Get Covered

via Nevada Health Link:

  • Open Enrollment is the only time Nevadans can freely enroll in a health insurance plan without experiencing a qualifying life event

Nevada Health Link is encouraging Nevadans to join the more than 93,000 others who have enrolled in a health insurance plan this Open Enrollment Period. Nevadans have until January 15 at 11:59 p.m. to enroll in a health insurance plan through Nevada Health Link’s Open Enrollment Period is the only time of year Nevadans can freely enroll in a health insurance plan through the state marketplace without experiencing a qualifying life event, such as getting married, having a baby or moving. For those who enroll now, coverage will take effect on February 1, 2024.

New York State of Health

NY State of Health hasn't issued any formal 2024 Open Enrollment Period press releases with hard enrollment data yet, but they have posted this January 2024 Essential Plan and Qualified Health Plan Enrollment by County and Plan report.

Most of the report is devoted to breaking out enrollment in NY's Basic Health Plan (BHP) program, called the Essential Plan in the Empire State, but it also breaks out enrollment in Qualified Health Plans (QHPs) as of January 1st via their ACA exchange platform by county...including statewide summaries at the bottom.

As of January 1st, 2024, NYSoH reports:

  • 1,197,534 BHP enrollees
  • 276,962 QHP enrollees

I don't remember whether the deadline for January 1st effectuation was 12/15 or 12/31 in New York, but assuming it was 12/31 this means a whopping 32% more people signed up by New Year's Eve than last year at the same point (209,854). If it was 12/15, it's a bit higher (32.6%).

via Connect for Health Colorado:

Biggest Open Enrollment Yet for Colorado’s Exchange

  • Less than two weeks left in the enrollment period for 2024 health coverage

DENVER— Connect for Health Colorado, the state’s official health insurance marketplace, reports that 222,067 people have enrolled in a 2024 health insurance plan as of January 4th. This number of sign-ups not only surpasses the same-day comparison to last year (189,010 enrollments), but also last year’s end of Open Enrollment total (201,758 enrollments).

On a year over year basis, 222K represents a 17.5% increase over a year ago and a 10.1% increase over last year's final tally...with 10 days left for people to enroll.

Via MNsure:

Take the first step towards your health goals and start the new year off right by signing up for health insurance through MNsure, Minnesota’s official health insurance marketplace. January 15, 2024, is the last day of MNsure’s open enrollment period and the final deadline to enroll in medical and dental coverage that begins on February 1.

Comprehensive health insurance helps you get the health care you need throughout the year and provides financial protection from unexpected injury or illness. When you buy a plan through MNsure, you can be sure you’re getting quality, comprehensive insurance and not a “junk plan” that provides little or no coverage when you need it most. That’s because every plan sold through MNsure is guaranteed to cover essential health benefits including prescription drugs, emergency services, and hospitalization.

BeWell NM

BeWell NM, New Mexico's state-based ACA exchange, has launched a very handy new Enrollment Data portal which includes plenty of info for a data hound like myself to pore over:

First, the top line numbers (as of 1/04/23):

  • Number of enrolled consumers: 52,780
  • Consumers enrolled in Medical coverage: 52,018
  • Consumers enrolled in Dental coverage: 13,237

While dental coverage is also important, standalone dental plans aren't considered Qualified Health Plans (QHPs); it's the "Medical Coverage" which is the key number here.

Also, the total number above may look confusing, but most of the Medical & Dental coverage enrollees overlap:

  • Medical Only: 39,543
  • Dental Only: 762
  • Medical + Dental: 12,475

For comparison, last year BeWell NM reported enrolling just 38,384 people through January 7th, so it breaks out as:

Via Access Health CT's News/Press Releases page:

Stats as of January 5, 2023

Qualified Health Plans (QHP):

  • QHP Enrollment In 2023 Coverage: 124,465
  • 2024 OE Acquisition Summary: 24,419


  • Completed applications/redeterminations processed through the integrated eligibility system: 45,355

It's my understanding that "Acquisition Summary" refers to CT residents who are brand-new enrollees (never enrolled via the exchange before).

By comparison, last year Access Health CT reported enrolling 104,658 people through January 6th (one extra day since Nov. 1st fell on a Tuesday last year):

  • 2023: 104,658 in 66 days (1,586/day)
  • 2024: 124,465 in 65 days (1,915/day)

In other words, Connect's ACA exchange has enrolled 20.7% more people per day so far.

In mid-December, I posted an update to my 2024 ACA Open Enrollment Period projections in which I upgraded my prior estimate of 18.5 million QHPs + BHPs combined to more than 19 million total.

A few days later, based on a press release from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announcing over 15.3 million QHPs via the federal exchange alone, I updated my projection significantly more, to around 20.7 million QHPs (Qualified Health Plans) and 1.3 million BHPs (Basic Health Plans), or roughly 22 million total.

CMS's press release states that they won't be posting the next detailed/state-by-state enrollment breakout until January 10th, so aside from a handful of minor SBM updates here and there, there hasn't been much to report on the enrollment front since then...until this:

via, Maine's state-based ACA exchange:

Plan Selection Snapshot

The Maine Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Office of the Health Insurance Marketplace (OHIM) will release biweekly updates on plan selections through, Maine’s Health Insurance Marketplace.  

Plan selections provide a snapshot of activity by new and returning consumers who have selected a plan for 2024. “Plan selections” become “enrollments” once consumers have paid their first monthly premium to begin insurance. These numbers are subject to change as consumers may modify or cancel plans after their initial selection.   

The deadline to select a plan for coverage beginning January 1, 2024 is December 15, 2023. Consumers who select a plan between December 16, 2023 and January 16, 2024 will have coverage beginning February 1, 2024. Activity Through December 26, 2023

BeWell NM

BeWell NM, New Mexico's state-based ACA exchange, has launched a very handy new Enrollment Data portal which includes plenty of info for a data hound like myself to pore over:

First, the top line numbers (as of 12/28/23):

  • Number of enrolled consumers: 52,651
  • Consumers enrolled in Medical coverage: 51,904
  • Consumers enrolled in Dental coverage: 13,149

While dental coverage is also important, standalone dental plans aren't considered Qualified Health Plans (QHPs); it's the "Medical Coverage" which is the key number here.

Also, the total number above may look confusing, but most of the Medical & Dental coverage enrollees overlap:

  • Medical Only: 39,502
  • Dental Only: 747
  • Medical + Dental: 12,402

For comparison, last year BeWell NM reported enrolling just 38,150 people (including auto-renewals) through December 31st.

This breaks out to:

Via Access Health CT's News/Press Releases page:

Stats as of December 29, 2023

Qualified Health Plans (QHP):

  • QHP Enrollment In 2023 Coverage: 122,656
  • 2024 OE Acquisition Summary: 22,678


  • Completed applications/redeterminations processed through the integrated eligibility system: 42,619

It's my understanding that "Acquisition Summary" refers to CT residents who are brand-new enrollees (never enrolled via the exchange before).

The 122.6K figure includes auto-renewals being piled on top of the new/active renewal tally.

By comparison, last year Access Health CT reported enrolling 103,380 people through December 30th (one extra day since Nov. 1st fell on a Tuesday last year); this also included auto-renewals:

  • 2023: 103,380 in 60 days (1,723/day)
  • 2024: 122,656 in 59 days (2,079/day)

In other words, Connect's ACA exchange has enrolled 20.7% more people per day so far.

