Get Covered

Last spring, I noted that total enrollment in healthcare policies either specifically created by or expanded to more people by the Affordable Care Act had broken 40 million Americans:

Across these 19 states alone, ACA Medicaid expansion enrollment is up 788,245 people since last March, or 6.7% overall. If you remove Missouri and Oklahoma, it's still up 4.28% since then, and again, this is still as much as 8 months out of date depending on the state. Assuming Illinois is wrong, removing it as well puts expansion enrollment up 5.4% since last March.

Assuming these states are representative, it's safe to assume that Medicaid expansion is up at least 4.3% nationally since March 2022, or around an additional 960,000 people. If you go with the higher end estimate (+5.4%), it would be up over 1.2 million nationally.

That puts the grand total at somewhere between 39.9 - 40.1 million people with ACA-enabled healthcare covered nationally.

Just over a year ago, the Associated Press reported that the Biden Administration planned on opening up eligibility for ACA exchange, Basic Health Program, Medicaid & CHIP coverage to hundreds of thousands of Americans who have Deferred Action of Childhood Arrivals status:

President Joe Biden is set to announce that his administration is expanding eligibility for Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act’s health insurance exchanges to hundreds of thousands of immigrants brought to the U.S. illegally as children, according to two U.S. officials briefed on the matter.

The action will allow participants in the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA, to access government-funded health insurance programs. The officials spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the matter before the formal announcement on Thursday.

As I noted at the time:

Not sure how long ago this was actually released but it was just sent to me recently:; via Health Source Rhode Island:

HealthSource RI’s 11th annual health coverage Open Enrollment (OE) period began November 1, 2023 and ended on January 31, 2024.


via, Maine's state-based ACA exchange:


Open Enrollment (OE) for 2024 marked the third year Maine operated a state-based marketplace through, after transitioning from a federally facilitated marketplace model.1 is operated by the Office of the Health Insurance Marketplace at the Department of Health and Human Services. The structure of the state-based marketplace provides greater control and flexibility, in terms of operational components such as special enrollment periods, customization of the shopping experience, and marketing and outreach. This allows the marketplace to better meet and respond to the needs of Maine residents.

New York State of Health

via NY State of Health:

Enrollment Remains Open Across All Marketplace Programs for Duration of Public Health Emergency Unwind

Albany, N.Y. (February 28, 2024) – Representatives from NY State of Health, the state’s official health plan Marketplace, will make an appearance at job fairs across the State beginning next month to inform New Yorkers about their options for quality, affordable health insurance. Certified enrollment assistants will be available to help uninsured job seekers find a plan that fits their budget and health needs and guide existing enrollees through the new renewal process to keep their coverage current.

via the NJ Dept. of Banking & Insurance:

Governor Murphy and Acting Commissioner Zimmerman Announce Record-Breaking 397K People Signed Up for Health Insurance Through Get Covered New Jersey During Open Enrollment

  • Enrollment Up 61% Since the Murphy Administration Assumed Operation of the Health Insurance Exchange
  • Residents with a Qualifying Life Event or Who Meet Certain Income Levels Still Have Options to Get Covered

TRENTON —Governor Phil Murphy and Department of Banking and Insurance Acting Commissioner Justin Zimmerman today announced that more than 397,000 New Jerseyans signed up for health coverage through Get Covered New Jersey during the Affordable Care Act Open Enrollment Period, marking another year of historic enrollment in New Jersey.

The headline says 397K but it's actually just shy of 398K.

New York State of Health

via NY State of Health:

  • Certified Enrollment Assistors Visit Colleges Across New York State
  • New Yorkers Who Enroll by February 15 Will Have Coverage in Place for March 1

ALBANY, N.Y. (February 9, 2024) – NY State of Health, the state’s official health plan Marketplace, today announced an informational college campaign, with events taking place on campuses throughout New York State. Certified enrollment assistors will be visiting schools to talk to students about affordable, quality health insurance through the Marketplace, and help current enrollees renew their coverage. Enrollment for 2024 coverage is currently open for Medicaid, Essential Plan, Child Health Plus, and Qualified Health Plans (QHP). Consumers who enroll by February 15 will have coverage for March 1.

New York State of Health

As I noted last week, while the 2024 ACA Open Enrollment Period ended in most states back on January 15th, and in several more as late as January 31st, there are two remaining states where it's technically still going on: California, which bumped their final Open Enrollment deadline out by an extra 9 days at the last minute on the 31st, and New York, which announced last fall that they're keeping enrollment fully open to anyone all the way out until the end of May, to coincide with the end of the ongoing Medicaid Unwinding process.

via Covered California:

With its open-enrollment period ending on Feb. 9, Covered California announced that a record number of Californians have selected health plans for 2024.

As of Jan. 31, there are 1,784,653 Californians who have chosen a health plan through Covered California for 2024, with 306,382​ new enrollees and 1,478,271 renewing their coverage. The total surpasses the previous high set in 2022.

The increased federal subsidies through the Inflation Reduction Act paired with California’s new cost-sharing reduction program for 2024 helped create the highest number of new sign-ups during an open-enrollment period since 2020. Consumers have until midnight on Feb. 9 to enroll in coverage that would be effective as of Feb. 1.

There's still likely up to perhaps ~25,000 or so Qualified Health Plan (QHP) enrollments to be added to the 2024 Open Enrollment Period (OEP) tally from the states which haven't reported their final, post-1/16 enrollments (in fact, CA & NY technically haven't ended theirs yet, but I decided to throw this together today for the hell of it.

The table below charts the first eleven years of ACA Open Enrollment Periods, broken out by state. I've also included Basic Health Plan (BHP) enrollment in Minnesota & New York, the only states where BHP programs have been implemented to date (Oregon is scheduled to launch theirs this summer, I believe).

No further analysis or comment here; I just think this is a pretty cool graphic which demonstrates visually how the ACA has grown over time to become firmly embedded into the U.S. healthcare landscape. Source: CMS Marketplace Open Enrollment Period Public Use Files for 2014 - 2023; CMS Final National Snapshot for 2024.

