Get Covered

via Covered California:

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — With a key deadline coming up on Dec. 31, Covered California announced that 161,670 people have signed up for 2024 coverage as of Dec. 23 during this open enrollment, marking an 18 percent increase over the same period last year and the highest during this same period in four years.

Another 1,571,559 Californians have renewed their coverage so far.

That's 1,733,229 QHP selections to date. By comparison, last year the combined new+renewal enrollment in CA was 1,676,616 through 12/24, meaning the 2024 Open Enrollment Period is actually running more like 5.3% higher than last year on a per day basis:

via the NJ Dept. of Banking & Insurance:

  • NJ residents must enroll by Dec. 31 for coverage starting Jan. 1
  • 9 in 10 People Who Enroll Qualify for Savings; Many Pay $10 a Month or Less for Health Coverage

TRENTON — New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance Acting Commissioner Justin Zimmerman today announced that more than 330,000 New Jersey residents signed up for a 2024 health insurance plan through the state’s Official Health Insurance Marketplace, Get Covered New Jersey, in the first five weeks of the Open Enrollment Period that started on November 1, 2023. Total signups have increased compared to the same timeframe last year, as residents continue to take advantage of record levels of financial help available from the State of New Jersey and the federal government and more plan options to choose from. 

Open Enrollment for 2024 health insurance ends January 31st, but residents must enroll in a plan by December 31, 2023 for coverage to take effect on January 1, 2024. 

BeWell NM

BeWell NM, New Mexico's state-based ACA exchange, has launched a very handy new Enrollment Data portal which includes plenty of info for a data hound like myself to pore over:

First, the top line numbers (as of 12/21/23):

  • Number of enrolled consumers: 51,772
  • Consumers enrolled in Medical coverage: 51,042
  • Consumers enrolled in Dental coverage: 12,826

While dental coverage is also important, standalone dental plans aren't considered Qualified Health Plans (QHPs); it's the "Medical Coverage" which is the key number here.

Also, the total number above may look confusing, but most of the Medical & Dental coverage enrollees overlap:

  • Medical Only: 38,946
  • Dental Only: 730
  • Medical + Dental: 12,096

For comparison, last year BeWell NM reported enrolling just 37,892 peple (including auto-renewals) through December 24th.

This breaks out to:

Via Access Health CT's News/Press Releases page:

Stats as of December 22, 2023

Qualified Health Plans (QHP):

  • QHP Enrollment In 2023 Coverage: 121,665
  • 2024 OE Acquisition Summary: 21,578


  • Completed applications/redeterminations processed through the integrated eligibility system: 40,704

It's my understanding that "Acquisition Summary" refers to CT residents who are brand-new enrollees (never enrolled via the exchange before).

The 121.6K figure includes auto-renewals being piled on top of the new/active renewal tally.

By comparison, last year Access Health CT reported enrolling 102,558 people through December 22nd (one extra day since Nov. 1st fell on a Tuesday last year); this also included auto-renewals:

  • 2023: 102,558 in 52 days (1,972/day)
  • 2024: 121,665 in 51 days (2,386/day)

In other words, Connect's ACA exchange has enrolled 21% more people per day so far.

Disclosure: Health Sherpa is a paid sponsor of this site.

I've written about Health Sherpa's stunning ACA enrollment growth several times in the past:

Three key takeaways from the CMS snapshot of the first 18 days of Open Enrollment:

1. HealthSherpa is up nearly 70% year over year, with over 2.4 million people enrolled.
2. The entire Federal Marketplace is up 40% year over year, with almost 4.1 million people covered in the same time frame.
3. We estimate that 2 out of 3 new enrollments in Federal Marketplace states - people newly covered by the ACA - came through HealthSherpa.

  • Policies: 1.79M
  • Covered Lives: 2.43M

At the time, 2.43 million enrollees via Sherpa and their affiliates represented roughly 60% of all enrollees for the first 18 days of the 2024 ACA Open Enrollment Period.

Just 3 days ago, I posted a revised 2024 ACA Open Enrollment Period projection, in which I upgraded my prior projection from 18.5 million Americans signing up for either Qualified Health Plans (QHPs) or Basic Health Plans (BHPs) combined nationally to over 19 million doing so. That 18.5M projection was itself a drop from my original projection of 19M QHPs + BHPs combined from a month earlier.

I delved into the various reasons for both my original and revised projections, but the bottom line is that I figured it would end up being somewhere in the neighborhood of 19 - 19.5 million, give or take, likely broken out something like ~18 million QHPs plus another ~1.3 million BHPs in New York & Minnesota only.

I even included 20 million as an outside possibility.

via Pennie, Pennsylvania's state-based ACA exchange:

Harrisburg, PA – 12/19/23 – Following Pennie’s first Open Enrollment deadline, a record number of over 405,000 Pennsylvanians enrolled through PA’s official health insurance marketplace ( with coverage starting January 1st.

For anyone who missed the first deadline, there is still time to apply, shop, and enroll in a 2024 health plan for coverage beginning February 1st.  Open Enrollment is the only time of year to shop for 2024 coverage, and Pennsylvanians must enroll by January 15th. Waiting until an illness or injury strikes will be too late.

The record high enrollment numbers are a promising step toward Pennie’s mission of expanding access to affordable health coverage. Pennie is the only place where Pennsylvanians can get financial savings to reduce the cost of coverage and care. Currently, nine in 10 enrollees qualify and save more than $500 a month on average.

Via the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS): Enrollment Exceeds 15 Million, Surpassing Previous Years’ Milestones

Biden-Harris Administration encourages everyone who needs affordable, quality health insurance to visit and sign up for coverage by the January 16 final deadline.

Washington HealthPlan Finder

via the Washington HealthPlan Finder:

Washingtonians can still enroll in or change their plan for a Feb. 1, 2024, effective date.

Dec. 15, was the last day to buy a 2024 health plan for it to begin on Jan. 1, 2024, for all Washingtonians regardless of citizenship status. However, it’s not too late for customers to enroll in, or change, their 2024 plan at Washington Healthplanfinder. If enrollment or a change in a plan happens by Jan. 15, coverage can start on Feb. 1.

Via MNsure:

More Than 132k Minnesotans Will Have a Full Year of Quality, Comprehensive Health Insurance in 2024

A new early sign-up record as MNsure celebrates its ten-year anniversary

ST. PAUL, Minn.—MNsure is pleased to report that 132,789 Minnesotans signed up for 2024 health insurance through Minnesota’s official health insurance marketplace between November 1 and December 15, 2023.

“Over 132,000 Minnesotans will welcome the new year with the peace of mind and security of a full year of high-quality, comprehensive coverage through MNsure,” said MNsure CEO Libby Caulum.

This incredible start to MNsure’s annual enrollment period sets a new early enrollment record for the marketplace. Private health plan sign-ups have increased by 11% compared to the same time last year. With enhanced federal tax credits available only through MNsure, eligible families will save $6,750 in 2024, on average, and spend 5% less on private health plan premiums than they did this year.

