Colorado: Reminder from C4HCO: ‘Don’t Wait:’ Dec. 15 is the Deadline to Enroll in Health Insurance that Begins Jan. 1

via Connect for Health Colorado:

Denver, Colo. – Connect for Health Colorado, the state’s official health insurance marketplace, is reminding Coloradans that Dec. 15 is the deadline to enroll in health coverage that starts Jan. 1, 2025.

With the Dec. 15 deadline fast approaching, customers are encouraged to begin the application process today to explore available health insurance plan options and financial assistance, and to avoid a lapse in coverage.

“Connect for Health Colorado is here to help Coloradans enroll in high-quality, affordable health insurance for 2025, so don’t wait – get started today,” said Kevin Patterson, Chief Executive Officer of Connect for Health Colorado.

With enhanced federal tax credits still in effect for 2025, Coloradans can expect a high level of financial support, with 81% of customers qualifying for help. Three out of five Coloradans are expected to find a plan for $10 or less a month. Additionally, people who are re-enrolling may find more affordable health insurance if they shop and change plans.

There are several resources available to help Coloradans enroll. Connect for Health Colorado encourages people to connect with its certified network of assisters and insurance brokers, who are located throughout Colorado and can provide free support in multiple languages. They can help Coloradans apply free of charge, and there’s no obligation to buy a plan when contacting an expert.

Quick Cost and Plan Finder tool also allows customers to browse plans and see what financial help they may be eligible for without having to create an account.

Last week, Connect for Health Colorado announced that a record number of 221,443 Coloradans have already enrolled in health coverage for plan year 2025.

“Colorado is proud of our nation-leading work to help connect more Coloradans to health care coverage they can afford, and it’s great to see so many people signing up,” said Governor Jared Polis. “I hope that every Coloradan who needs insurance signs up by the Dec. 15 deadline to get their coverage by Jan. 1.”

Those who need health care insurance are encouraged to learn more about open enrollment, plan options, and financial help at or by calling 855-752-6749.
