Get Covered

OK, Covered California hasn't actually released an official press release or Open Enrollment Report, but I have acquired a single slide which was delivered at a university presentation by Covered CA head Peter Lee the other day. It doesn't provide tons of detail but give the most important toplines (the way the graph breaks out the numbers is a little confusing but I figured it out:

  • Total QHP selections from 11/01/20 - 1/31/21: 1.63 million, a record high for the state

This is a 5.9% increase year over year from the 2020 OEP's 1.54 million (it says 1.57 million on the graph but the official CMS tally is 1,538,819).

via MNsure:

Last Chance for March 1 Coverage Through MNsure; Special Enrollment Period Continues Through May 17

February 24, 2021

ST. PAUL, Minn.—Minnesotans looking for private health insurance coverage through MNsure that begins on March 1 need to enroll by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, February 28. Plans selected in March will have an effective date of April 1. MNsure's special enrollment period continues through Monday, May 17, and is available to any Minnesotan who is uninsured or who is not currently enrolled in a qualified health plan through MNsure.

“If you’re looking for health insurance coverage, be sure to check out your options at and get access to comprehensive coverage as soon as possible or prevent a gap in current coverage,” said MNsure CEO Nate Clark. “MNsure's special enrollment period continues through May 17, but Sunday, February 28, is your last chance to get coverage starting in March. Don’t miss out."

Instructions to enroll and frequently asked questions about this special enrollment period can be found here.

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Disclosure: Health Sherpa is a paid sponsor of this site.

Back in January, before the ongoing COVID Enrollment Period was officially announced, I ran some back-of-the-envelope math to try and project just how many additional ACA exchange enrollees might sign up nationally due to the addition of a "no questions asked" Special Enrollment Period (SEP) being formally launched across every state, as opposed to the patchwork of COVID SEPs we saw across a dozen states last spring/summer.

I extrapolated those numbers out nationally and estimated that total on-exchange enrollment might increase by perhaps 400,000 more people thanks to a 60-day COVID SEP...that is, 400K more than the "normal" number who typically enroll during that same time period for traditional SEP reasons (losing employer coverage, turning 26, getting married/divorced, moving, giving birth/adopting, etc).

While all 50 states & DC have now re-launched (or are about to) a new, special 2021 COVID Enrollment Period, the official 2021 Open Enrollment Period ended in every state as of January 31st.

A few of the state-based exchanges have already released their 2021 OEP summary reports, and today Access Health CT posted theirs...and it's chock full of juicy data nuggets. Let's dive in!

Note: I haven't included every single slide, but most of them are shown. Use the link above if you want to view the rest of them. Click the images for a high-res version of each:

As I've expected, though I'm pretty irritated that they still haven't released any enrollment data to date. Via NY State of Health:

Press Release: Governor Cuomo Announces Open Enrollment for New Yorkers is Extended to May 15 as Federal Marketplace Reopens for Millions of Americans

  • New Yorkers Can Apply Now For Health Coverage Through NY State of Health or Directly Through Insurers
  • Aligns New York with the Federal Marketplace and Numerous State Marketplaces Extending Enrollment

As COVID-19 Response and Vaccine Distribution Continues Statewide, High-Quality Health Insurance More Important Than Ever

via the Nevada Health Link...

Special Enrollment Period through Nevada Health Link begins February 15

  • Uninsured Nevadans will have 90 more days to enroll in a qualified health plan for 2021 coverage

Nevada Health Link, the online health insurance marketplace operated by the state agency, the Silver State Health Insurance Exchange (Exchange), begins its 90-day Special Enrollment Period (SEP) for uninsured Nevadans, starting February 15 through May 15, 2021. The SEP is in accordance with the Executive Order issued by President Biden last month, in response to the ongoing national health emergency presented by COVID-19.

(sigh) After seven years of doing this, you'd think I'd know better: I double-checked the Your Health Idaho website as recently as this morning and saw no announcement of a COVID-19 Special Enrollment Period...and yet look what just showed up in my inbox an hour ago...

Your Health Idaho Announces Special Enrollment Period for Uninsured Idahoans

  • Idaho’s Health Insurance Marketplace will Reopen March 1 

BOISE, Idaho – Your Health Idaho announced today that a Special Enrollment Period will be established from March 1 to March 31. During this time, any eligible uninsured Idahoan can sign up for health insurance coverage.

“As we approach the one-year mark of COVID-19 in Idaho, too many Idahoans are still uninsured and in need of coverage,” said Your Health Idaho Executive Director, Pat Kelly. “Reopening the marketplace and providing Idahoans with a path to comprehensive health insurance is simply the right thing to do.” 

With this announcement, Your Health Idaho joins all state-based marketplaces and the federal marketplace in offering a Special Enrollment Period as the effects of the pandemic continue to be felt across the country.

*(Yes, believe it or not, I was able to come up with an extreme example of an older couple in Oklahoma managing to save a jaw-dropping $64,000/year in heath insurance premiums if the American Rescue Plan is passed, signed and implemented.)

When President Biden announced that HealthCare.Gov would be re-launching an extended Special Enrollment Period in light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, I wasn't surprised at all; in fact, I would have been shocked if he hadn't ordered the HHS Dept. to do so. I was surprised by how long the new COVID Enrollment Period would be: A full 3 months (I had been expecting either 30, 45 or perhaps 60 days at the outside).

The more I thought about it, however, I realized three good reasons to re-open all the way out until mid-May. The first two I already wrote about several weeks ago:

