Get Covered

DC Heatlh Link

DC Health Link recently posted thei 2022 enrollment summary as of January 10th as part of their monthly board of directors meeting.

On the surface the numbers look pretty straightforward:


  • Current Enrollment: 15,993 covered lives
  • Enrollment 1 Year Ago: 16,373 covered lives
  • CHANGE: -380


Access Health CT Logo

I've received a copy of Access Health CT's monthly board meeting slideshow, which includes the final 2022 Open Enrollment Period metrics and other demographic data. Here's some of the key points:

OE Enrollment/Eligibility Activity:

  • Started OE 9 with 107,058 enrollees (Up 8%)
  • 112,634 enrolled into a qualified health plan (Up 7%)
  • 47.5% eligible for APTC (Up 20%), 36.2% eligible for APTC/CSR (Down 6%).
  • Enrollees ineligible for financial help down 43%
  • 24,773 determined eligible and completed application for Medicaid (Down 27%)

112,634 is the topline number. Last year's final OEP enrollment tally for Connecticut was 104,946 QHP selections, which means they actually ended up 7.3% year over year. FWIW, I think CT's all-time OEP enrollment record was 116,000 back in 2016.

MA Health Connector

This just in via the Massachusetts Health Connector (by email):

  • 253,253 January effectuations
  • 6,247 February and March effectuations
  • 4,643 plan selections
  • 264,143 total enrollments/plan selections

The above includes 22,729 new enrollments, which includes people who never had Health Connector coverage in the past, or who did, dropped exchange at some point, and have come back for 2022.

This is up around 2,000 since December 25th, but is still down over 10% from last year, making Massachusetts one of only 5 state exchanges to see QHP enrollment drop year over year (to be fair, there's still a few days left for MA as well as Kentucky, DC and New York. The fifth is Hawaii. Having said that, enrollments in the other four states only runs through anywhere from December 15th - December 25th, whereas MA's total is current through yesterday.

MNsure Logo

via MNsure:

Expanded Cost Savings Fuel Record Health Insurance Sign-Ups Through MNsure

  • Over 134,000 Minnesotans found coverage through Minnesota’s health insurance marketplace during open enrollment period

ST. PAUL, Minn.—A record number of Minnesotans signed up for private health insurance plans during MNsure’s recent open enrollment period. 134,257 Minnesotans signed up for 2022 health insurance coverage through the state’s health insurance marketplace between November 1, 2021, and January 15, 2022. The record number of sign-ups is 14,988 more than in the previous year’s open enrollment period and represents a 10% increase.

I'd proceed with caution about this figure, however. The official CMS Open Enrollment Periord report seems to always come in a few thousand lower than MNsure's official QHP tallies. Last year, for instance, the CMS report put Minnesota at 112,804, around 6,400 fewer than MNsure's 119,269 total.

New York State of Health

On January 14th, NY State of Health issued an oddly-worded press release:

NY State of Health and New York State Department of Financial Services Announce Extension of Open Enrollment Period as Federal Public Health Emergency Continues

Pennie Logo

With the dust having settled on the final deadline for the 2022 ACA Open Enrollment Period in Pennsylvania, their ACA exchange, Pennie, has posted a slideshow with their enrollment data (along with other important wonky info).

I've included two of the key slides below, but there's a bunch of other demographic breakout stuff at the link assistance breakout, metal tiers, net premium data, etc.

The main number: As of 1/15/21, 374,776 PA residents had selected or re-enrolled in Qualified Health Plans (QHPs) for 2022. This is up 11.0% vs. last year's final OEP total:

  • Renewals: Up 17.0% y/y
  • NEW enrollment: Down 10.2% y/y

That final mini-enrollment spike in the last couple of days of Open Enrollment is worth noting:

Maryland Health Connection

via Maryland Health Connection:


  • More than 180,000 have enrolled for 2022, an all-time high and a 9% increase over last year

(JAN 18, 2022) ANNAPOLIS, MD – Gov. Larry Hogan today announced that open enrollment will continue on Maryland Health Connection through February in light of the ongoing public health emergency. A record number of Marylanders - 181,603 - have enrolled in coverage for 2022 through the state’s health insurance marketplace. A surge of new enrollees fueled the 9-percent increase over a year ago.

In fact, this is up 9.4% vs. last year, which itself was the previous all-tiime record for MD, I believe.

Open Enrollment 2022

IMPORTANT: The official 2022 Open Enrollment Period has now ended in most of the country, but there's 8 states where residents still have time to #GetCovered, with their new healthcare policies going into effect starting either February 1st or March 1st.

The 2022 OEP is by far the best ever for the ACA coverage, with dramatically expanded financial help for millions more people (including many who weren't eligible last year), reinvigorated expert, unbiased assistance, more choices in many states and counties, and FREE policies for more people than ever before.

If you've never enrolled in an ACA healthcare policy before, or if you looked into it years ago but weren't impressed, please give it another shot now. Thanks to the American Rescue Plan (ARP), it's a whole different ballgame.

Here's some important things to know when you #GetCovered for 2022:

kynect logo

Every year since the very first ACA Open Enrollment Period (OEP) in 2013-2014, at least a few of the state-based exchanges (and sometimes the federal exchange) have made last-minute deadline extensions. It's actually turned into a bit of a running joke with me.

The 2022 OEP has been no exception: Already during the 2022 OEP we've seen IdahoNew MexicoConnecticut and Kentucky bump out their December deadline (for January coverage).

Sure enough, a couple of days ago the Kentucky exchange, kynect, posted the following:

