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BeWellNM Logo

via BeWell NM, New Mexico's ACA exchange:

2023 Open Enrollment Report

This report provides a summary of information for week one of the beWellnm health insurance individual Marketplace Open Enrollment Period for plan year 2023 (OEP 2023). The report contains data from the beWellnm eligibility and enrollment platform for OEP 2023, and includes an overview of the following:

  • plan selections
  • new enrollees
  • enrollees renewing coverage
  • Customer Engagement Center call volumes
  • website traffic


This section contains enrollment data through December 10, 2022.

1. Total Plan Selections (net): Count of unique individuals who have selected a Plan Year (PY) 2023 Marketplace medical plan. Count includes all new and re-enrolling consumers (defined in Indicators 2 and 3), regardless of whether the consumer has paid the first month premium. Count does not include plans that were canceled or terminated.: 35,725

New York State of Health

via NY State of Health:

  • Consumers Must Renew or Enroll by December 15 for January 1 Coverage
  • Several Events Scheduled Statewide with Enrollment Assistors on Site to Help Consumers Enroll
  • Expanded Federal Tax Credits Continue for 2023 Health Plans

ALBANY, NY. (December 14, 2022) – NY State of Health, the state’s official health plan Marketplace, today announced the December 15 deadline is quickly approaching for New Yorkers who want their coverage in a Qualified Health Plan (QHP) effective by January 1, and urges consumers to take action now to avoid a gap in health insurance coverage.

Washington HealthPlan Finder

via Washington HealthPlanFinder:

  • Brand new Cascade Care Savings and high-quality Cascade Care plans provide Washington Healthplanfinder customers more savings on their health plans than ever before

The majority of Washington state residents who buy their health insurance through Washington Healthplanfinder can find lower-cost plans that offer them the same level of coverage they had in 2022. An average of 80% of Washington Healthplanfinder enrollees can save on their health premium by shopping and switching to a lower-cost plan. Customers can save an average of $1,300 annually ($110 monthly) for the same level of coverage they’re already paying for.

Pennie Logo

via Pennie, Pennsylvania's state-based ACA exchange:

Pennsylvanians must visit before December 15 for coverage beginning January 1st. 

Harrisburg, PA –– December 15th marks the Open Enrollment Period deadline for 2023 health coverage beginning New Year’s Day through Pennie, Pennsylvania’s official online health insurance marketplace.

Pennie keeps insurance costs down, and Open Enrollment is the prime opportunity for Pennsylvanians to receive savings on quality health plans. Pennie is the only source for financial savings to lower monthly premiums or out-of-pocket costs. Nine out of 10 customers qualify for savings, which averages over $530 a month. 

Covered California Logo

via Covered California:

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — A new federal rule takes effect on Monday, opening the door for nearly 400,000 people to enroll in a more-affordable health plan through Covered California. The change means families who have been ineligible for financial help because one member is insured through an employer may now be eligible for subsidies to lower the cost of their premiums if they enroll in a health plan offered through Covered California.

“The door to more-affordable health coverage is opening today for hundreds of thousands of Californians,” said Jessica Altman, executive director of Covered California. “There are families across California who will now be able to save hundreds of dollars a month, and thousands of dollars a year, if they switch from employer-sponsored coverage to a Covered California plan.”

What You Need to Know

Disclosure: Health Sherpa is a paid sponsor of this site.

Enhanced Direct Enrollment:

Enhanced direct enrollment (EDE) is a new pathway for consumers to enroll in health insurance coverage through the Federally-facilitated Exchange. This pathway allows CMS to partner with the private sector to provide a more user-friendly and seamless enrollment experience for consumers by allowing them to apply for and enroll in an Exchange plan directly through an approved issuer or web-broker without the need to be redirected to or contact the Exchange Call Center.

In short, EDEs are basically a private version of HealthCare.Gov which are authorized by the federal government to hook directly into the back end. This means that people who enroll via an EDE website are enrolling in on-exchange ACA coverage (including ACA financial subsidies as appropriate); they're just doing so via a 3rd party web interface. There's actually several dozen different EDEs, several of which have advertised on this site.

Washington HealthPlan Finder

I first wrote about this back in May:

Washington state seeks federal approval to expand health insurance to previously uninsured

  • State request will bring health coverage to individuals regardless of immigration status

In an effort to expand health coverage options to all residents, Washington state submitted a groundbreaking Section 1332 Waiver Application to the federal government for approval on Friday, May 13. The waiver, if approved, will allow all Washington residents regardless of immigration status to enroll in health and dental coverage through the state marketplace, Washington Healthplanfinder. If approved, the coverage will be available starting in 2024 to the newly eligible Washingtonians.

Access Health CT Logo

Via Access Health CT's News/Press Releases page:

Stats as of December 9, 2022

Qualified Health Plans (QHP):

  • QHP Enrollment In 2023 Coverage: 93,479
  • 2022 OE Acquisition Summary: 9,137


  • Completed applications/ redeterminations processed through the integrated eligibility system: 12,966

I've never been entirely sure what the "Acquisition Summary" figure refers to, but I've confirmed that it's already included in the larger number.

MNsure Logo

via MNsure, Minnesota's ACA exchange:

ST. PAUL, Minn.—Minnesotans have just one week left to sign up for health insurance through MNsure before the December 15, 2022, deadline for coverage starting January 1, 2023.

MNsure, Minnesota’s health insurance marketplace, is where Minnesotans can select medical and dental coverage and access premium tax credits (discounts) to lower the cost of monthly premiums. Tax credits aren’t available anywhere else, and next year households receiving tax credits are expected to save an average of $560/month.

“Many Minnesota families who have never been eligible for discounts through MNsure now qualify for tax credits in 2023 because of recent changes to federal rules,” said MNsure CEO Nate Clark. “If your family has been relying on health insurance you get through an employed family member, now is the time to check and see whether you can access lower-cost health insurance for next year.”

ACA Signups Logo

Yesterday I reported that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid have issued a new 2023 Open Enrollment Period (OEP) report which raises the official Qualified Health Plan (QHP) enrollment tally for 2023 to nearly 5.5 million people nationally.

However, as I noted, the actual confirmed 2023 OEP tally is over a million higher than that thanks to the nearly 1.2 million Basic Health Plan (BHP) enrollees in New York and Minnesota, as well as some other more recent oddball enrollment data released by various state-based exchanges. All told, this brought the grand total up to over 6.8 million.

HOWEVER, it turns out the actual confirmed total is much higher than that as well, thanks to another ~2.9 million current exchange enrollees across the 18 state-based exchanges who have already been automatically re-enrolled in their current policies for another year (or, alternately, auto-mapped to a similar healthcare plan in cases where their current policy is being discontinued).

