Charles Gaba's blog

In August, I posted an unweighted average of the preliminary rate filings for Nevada's individual & small group markets; it was unweighted at the time because I was unable to find the actual unredacted rate filing forms on the SERFF database, federal Rate Review website or even Nevada's own insurance filing database site.

Fortunately, now that the approved 2024 filings have been published, the NV DOI has added the Rate Change Justification forms to their database, making it easy to plug in the number of enrollees for every carrier in both markets. It's also important to note that there are two new carriers joining Nevada's individual market: Molina Healthcare and Imperial Insurance Co.

Overall, the weighted average rate increases are 3.8% for unsubsidized individual market plans and 6.4% for small group market enrollees.

Last month I posted the preliminary avg. 2024 rate changes being requested for the individual and small group markets.

Now the final/approved rate changes are available via the Idaho Dept. of Insurance:

Each year, the Idaho Department of Insurance posts rate changes of individual and small group health insurance products so consumers can review and provide comments on the proposed increases.  Insurance companies submit proposed rates for the upcoming calendar year to the Department, along with descriptions and justifications for why the rates are reasonable and not excessive.  

The Department of Insurance is seeking public input for rate changes of individual and small group health insurance products to improve insurer accountability and transparency.  By following the links below, the public can access a summary of the increase amounts and the carrier justifications for the rates.  Please submit any comments to the Department for consideration.

Final Rates - 2024

via the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS):

The Departments of Health and Human Services, Labor, and the Treasury (the Departments) are seeking public input on how best to ensure coverage and access to over-the-counter (OTC) preventive services, including the benefits of requiring most health insurance plans to cover these services at no cost and without a prescription by a health care provider. This new Request for Information (RFI) solicits comment on access to a range of OTC items recommended by experts for preventive care that can be purchased without a prescription, including contraceptives, tobacco smoking cessation products, folic acid during pregnancy, and breastfeeding supplies.

Back in June I posted the preliminary avg. 2024 individual & small group market premium changes in Minnesota.

Last week the Minnesota Commerce Dept. has published the final/approved rate changes for each. Both markets have seen their rate increases shaved down slightly overall:

MN Dept of Commerce approves 2024 rates for individual and small group health insurance in Minnesota

  • Commerce’s focus remains on consumer choice and reducing health care costs

The Minnesota Department of Commerce today announced its approval of 2024 rates for Minnesotans who buy small-group and individual health insurance, underscoring the breadth of choices available to consumers and the stability of the state’s insurance market. The rate approvals are part of Commerce’s focus on reducing consumers' health insurance costs. 

A few weeks ago, the Washington HealthPlanFinder announced that 2024 ACA individual market rates for unsubsidized enrollees would be increasing by an average of roughly 8.9% overall (small group plan rate changes hadn't been finalized yet, though the requested increases averaged around 8.3%).

This week the WA ACA exchange confirmed that the individual market plans have been certified for sale starting on November 1st, while stressing the importance of strongly considering "Cascade Care" plans. Cascade Care is Washington States name for their quasi-"public option" plans:

Plans certified to be sold on Washington Healthplanfinder beginning Nov. 1

I originally wrote about this a month ago; today the Massachusetts Health Connector posted an updated press release in a more succinct, consumer-friendly format:

Exciting news: Massachusetts is making health care more affordable and accessible for thousands of people through the ConnectorCare program. The Massachusetts Health Connector Board of Directors has approved important changes to help more people get the care they need. Here’s what you need to know: 

District of Columbia

(original post from 5/23/23; updated on 9/26/23)

via the District of Columbia Dept. of Insurance, Securities & Banking (DISB):

This page contains proposed health plan rate information for the District of Columbia’s health insurance marketplace, DC Health Link, for plan year 2024.

The District of Columbia Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking (DISB) received 215 proposed health insurance plan rates for review from Aetna, CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield, Kaiser and United Healthcare in advance of open enrollment for plan year 2024 on DC Health Link, the District of Columbia’s health insurance marketplace.

The four insurance companies filed proposed rates for individuals, families and small businesses for the 2024 plan year. Overall, 215 plans were filed, compared to 238 last year. The number of small group plans decreased from 211 to 188, while the number of individual plans remained at 27.

via MNsure:

Minnesota Department of Commerce and MNsure, Minnesota’s official health insurance marketplace, are issuing a joint public service announcement alerting consumers to be aware of scams targeting Minnesotans who are no longer eligible for Medical Assistance (Minnesota’s Medicaid program).

This alert is specifically for Minnesotans who submitted their Medical Assistance renewal paperwork, found out they do not qualify for the program, and need to find new health insurance. When trying to buy health insurance, they may be vulnerable to scams from someone pretending to be MNsure that sells them a bogus insurance product. In some cases, scammers have taken money from consumers by saying they must pay for help enrolling in a plan or asking them to pay for premiums up front over the phone.

“Consumers should be on the alert for health insurance scams, including people claiming to represent MNsure who are not legitimate. is the safest place for consumers to shop for and buy health insurance with confidence or connect with a trusted, MNsure-certified assister for free application and enrollment help,” said CEO Libby Caulum.

