
Via MNsure:

ST. PAUL, Minn. — MNsure, Minnesota’s official health insurance marketplace, is encouraging Minnesotans who need health insurance for 2024 to finish their enrollment now and not wait for the last days before the December 15 deadline to sign up. MNsure’s Contact Center is open Saturday, December 9, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and Saturdays historically have lower call volumes and shorter wait times.

“Comprehensive coverage through MNsure helps protect your family from the unexpected, like high medical bills from an illness you can’t anticipate,” said MNsure CEO Libby Caulum. “Signing up for a full year of health insurance through MNsure today is one of the greatest gifts you can give your family.”

Via MNsure (via email; no link yet):

  • If you need health insurance, MNsure can help

ST. PAUL, Minn.—MNsure’s open enrollment period starts today and runs through January 15, 2024. Open enrollment is the annual opportunity for Minnesotans who need health insurance to shop and compare their options for 2024, sign up for coverage, or change plans through MNsure, Minnesota’s health insurance marketplace.

For over ten years, MNsure has served tens of thousands of Minnesotans who are self-employed or gig workers, entrepreneurs and small business owners, farmers, early retirees who don’t yet qualify for Medicare, and those who don’t have access to affordable health insurance through their jobs. MNsure has delivered nearly $2 billion in health care savings to Minnesotans since 2013 and is the trusted source for families looking for medical and dental plans that meet their needs and budgets.

Via MNsure:

ST. PAUL, Minn.—Minnesotans who need health insurance for 2024 can now preview plans through MNsure, Minnesota’s official health insurance marketplace. MNsure’s annual open enrollment period for health insurance begins November 1, and Minnesotans can get a jump start by going to MNsure.org to shop, compare options, and get a free and anonymous cost estimate.

“MNsure is the only place Minnesotans can compare health plans from multiple insurance companies, side-by-side,” said MNsure CEO Libby Caulum. “When you shop for health insurance through MNsure, you can be confident you’re getting the right plan, at the right price, for you and your family.”

With just three key pieces of information — where you live, who is in your household, and total household income — you can get an immediate estimate of how much money you could save by enrolling in a private health plan for 2024 through MNsure. And you can find out if any household members may be eligible for no- or low-cost coverage through Medical Assistance or MinnesotaCare.

Via MNsure:

ST. PAUL, MN — Minnesotans who need health insurance for 2024 can easily find free application and enrollment help from a MNsure-certified broker at 23 locations, known as Broker Enrollment Centers. Thanks to new partnerships with insurance agencies, MNsure has added four new enrollment centers in greater Minnesota and one in the east Twin Cities metro area, with all current partners returning.

Most Minnesotans who need health insurance are eligible to enroll in health insurance during MNsure’s upcoming open enrollment period, which begins November 1, 2023, and ends January 15, 2024. Open enrollment is the once-a-year opportunity to compare options, sign up for health coverage, or change plans through MNsure, Minnesota’s official health insurance marketplace. Minnesotans who qualify for health coverage through Medical Assistance or MinnesotaCare and members of federally recognized tribes can enroll in health insurance through MNsure at any time throughout the year.

Via MNsure:

Enrolling Through MNsure Offers Great Savings on 2024 Health Insurance Plans

ST. PAUL, MN — Starting November 1, Minnesotans who need health insurance can sign up for 2024 coverage through MNsure, Minnesota’s official health insurance marketplace, where they can easily find, choose and purchase health insurance. MNsure’s open enrollment period begins November 1, 2023, and will run through January 15, 2024. Open enrollment is the annual opportunity to enroll in health coverage, change plans, and renew coverage.

MNsure estimates that Minnesotans who are eligible for tax credits will save $6,750 in 2024 and spend 5% less on private health plan premiums than they did this year, on average.

These significant savings are thanks to advanced premium tax credits, which act like an instant discount to lower the cost of monthly premiums – but are only available when you enroll in health insurance through MNsure. For example:

Back in June I posted the preliminary avg. 2024 individual & small group market premium changes in Minnesota.

Last week the Minnesota Commerce Dept. has published the final/approved rate changes for each. Both markets have seen their rate increases shaved down slightly overall:

MN Dept of Commerce approves 2024 rates for individual and small group health insurance in Minnesota

  • Commerce’s focus remains on consumer choice and reducing health care costs

The Minnesota Department of Commerce today announced its approval of 2024 rates for Minnesotans who buy small-group and individual health insurance, underscoring the breadth of choices available to consumers and the stability of the state’s insurance market. The rate approvals are part of Commerce’s focus on reducing consumers' health insurance costs. 

via MNsure:

Minnesota Department of Commerce and MNsure, Minnesota’s official health insurance marketplace, are issuing a joint public service announcement alerting consumers to be aware of scams targeting Minnesotans who are no longer eligible for Medical Assistance (Minnesota’s Medicaid program).

This alert is specifically for Minnesotans who submitted their Medical Assistance renewal paperwork, found out they do not qualify for the program, and need to find new health insurance. When trying to buy health insurance, they may be vulnerable to scams from someone pretending to be MNsure that sells them a bogus insurance product. In some cases, scammers have taken money from consumers by saying they must pay for help enrolling in a plan or asking them to pay for premiums up front over the phone.

“Consumers should be on the alert for health insurance scams, including people claiming to represent MNsure who are not legitimate. MNsure.org is the safest place for consumers to shop for and buy health insurance with confidence or connect with a trusted, MNsure-certified assister for free application and enrollment help,” said CEO Libby Caulum.

via MNsure:

ST. PAUL, Minn.—The Minnesota Insulin Safety Net Program was created in 2020 to help Minnesotans who face difficulty affording their insulin. During the 2023 legislative session, the Minnesota Legislature made important changes to the program that will improve access to this life-saving drug for undocumented Minnesotans who are struggling to afford their insulin.

Starting August 1, 2023, Minnesotans can use an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) as an accepted form of identification for program eligibility. This change provides a pathway to access the program for those who do not have a valid Minnesota identification card, driver’s license or permit, or tribal-issued identification. For minors under the age of 18 who need help affording insulin, a parent or legal guardian can use an ITIN as an accepted form of identification.

via MNsure:

ST. PAUL, Minn.—As roughly 1.5 million Minnesotans who currently have Medical Assistance (Minnesota’s Medicaid program) or MinnesotaCare coverage are scheduled to go through the eligibility renewal process over the next year, some will find out they are no longer eligible for these public health care programs and need to find new health insurance. Minnesota’s official health insurance marketplace, MNsure, is here to help those Minnesotans find new coverage.

“If you learn you no longer qualify for Medical Assistance or MinnesotaCare coverage, you may have more health insurance options than you think,” said MNsure CEO Libby Caulum. “MNsure is here to help you and your family understand your options, apply for discounts to save money on monthly premiums, and make a smooth transition to a private health plan if you’re eligible. We can help you find new coverage so you can keep getting the care you need.”

via the Minnesota Commerce Dept:

Individual Market PROPOSED Average Rate Changes

The summary table below provides an overview of the proposed average rate changes from 2023 in the individual health insurance market, as reported by the insurers. 

These rate changes do not reflect the impact of federal premium tax credits that are available to eligible Minnesotans who purchase their coverage through MNsure.

It is important to note these are the initial rates proposed by the insurers and filed with the Departments. Rates are subject to review and approval by the Departments and the final approved rates may vary from these proposed rates for many reasons. 

Additionally, the actual rate change a consumer will experience in 2024 can vary from the average – with factors such as specific plan, geographic rating area, age, and federal premium tax credits playing a major role. 

Small Group Market Proposed Average Rate Changes

