Charles Gaba's blog

Via MNsure:

Governor Tim Walz today announced that a record number of Minnesotans signed up for private health insurance plans using MNsure, Minnesota’s official health insurance marketplace. At the close of MNsure’s annual open enrollment period on January 15, 146,445 people had successfully signed up for private health plans for 2024.

It's important to note that the way Minnesota reports "signups" has consistently been a bit higher than what the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) states in their official Open Enrollment Reports. I've never been quite sure whether MNsure lumps in small group market QHPs (SHOP plans) or if it's just some weird clerical methodology issue, but year after year, the CMS report is always around 8-9% lower than what MNsure reports.

For instance, last year, MNsure reported their official QHP enrollment total as 129,537 people...but CMS reported it as just 118,431 (8.6% lower).

via Pennie, Pennsylvania's state-based ACA exchange:

  • Deadline to enroll in 2024 health coverage is Friday, January 19.

Allentown, PA – Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) Secretary Dr. Val Arkoosh, Pennie® Executive Director Devon Trolley, and Pennsylvania Insurance Department (PID) Deputy Commissioner Dave Buono joined representatives from Star Community Health today to discuss how the Shapiro Administration and local partners are working together to support Pennsylvanians through federal changes to Medicaid and CHIP renewal requirements, reminding those who do not have health insurance that they can still enroll in coverage for 2024.

via Connect for Health Colorado:

Customer Advisory: “In-Line” Enrollment Extension Available through January 17

  • Customers must call to complete their health insurance enrollment for 2024

DENVER— Connect for Health Colorado, the state’s official health insurance marketplace, is alerting customers who started their plan enrollments or made changes by yesterday’s deadline, January 15, that they have through Wednesday, January 17 at 6:00 p.m. to finish their enrollment. These customers must call Connect for Health Colorado’s Customer Service Center at 855-752-6749 to complete their enrollment.

The official 2024 ACA Open Enrollment Period (OEP) ended last night in most states, but millions of Americans are still eligible to #GetCovered!

This is the best OEP ever for the ACA for several reasons:

  • A dozen states are either launching or expanding their own state-based subsidy programs to make ACA plans even more affordable for their enrollees;

And remember, millions of people will be eligible for zero premium comprehensive major medical policies.

If you've never enrolled in an ACA healthcare policy before, or if you looked into it a few years back but weren't impressed, please give it another shot now. Thanks to these major improvements it's a whole different ballgame.

Here's some important things to know when you #GetCovered for 2024:

BeWell NM

BeWell NM, New Mexico's state-based ACA exchange, has launched a very handy new Enrollment Data portal which includes plenty of info for a data hound like myself to pore over:

Last night was the official deadline for the 2024 ACA Open Enrollment Period in New Mexico. As of today, their dashboard reads:

UPDATE: I've received a correction directly from BeWell NM:

because of the MLK holiday, enrollments are being accepted by beWellnm through 11:59 pm today.

  • Number of enrolled consumers: 55,771
  • Consumers enrolled in Medical coverage: 54,914
  • Consumers enrolled in Dental coverage: 14,399

While dental coverage is also important, standalone dental plans aren't considered Qualified Health Plans (QHPs); it's the "Medical Coverage" which is the key number here.

Also, the total number above may look confusing, but most of the Medical & Dental coverage enrollees overlap:

BeWell NM

BeWell NM, New Mexico's state-based ACA exchange, has launched a very handy new Enrollment Data portal which includes plenty of info for a data hound like myself to pore over:

First, the top line numbers (as of 1/12/23):

  • Number of enrolled consumers: 54,318
  • Consumers enrolled in Medical coverage: 53,526
  • Consumers enrolled in Dental coverage: 13,787

While dental coverage is also important, standalone dental plans aren't considered Qualified Health Plans (QHPs); it's the "Medical Coverage" which is the key number here.

Also, the total number above may look confusing, but most of the Medical & Dental coverage enrollees overlap:

  • Medical Only: 40,531
  • Dental Only: 792
  • Medical + Dental: 12,995

For comparison, last year BeWell NM reported enrolling just 38,384 people through January 7th, so it breaks out as:

via, Maine's state-based ACA exchange:

Plan Selection Snapshot

The Maine Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Office of the Health Insurance Marketplace (OHIM) will release biweekly updates on plan selections through, Maine’s Health Insurance Marketplace.  

Plan selections provide a snapshot of activity by new and returning consumers who have selected a plan for 2024. “Plan selections” become “enrollments” once consumers have paid their first monthly premium to begin insurance. These numbers are subject to change as consumers may modify or cancel plans after their initial selection.   

The deadline to select a plan for coverage beginning January 1, 2024 is December 15, 2023. Consumers who select a plan between December 16, 2023 and January 16, 2024 will have coverage beginning February 1, 2024. Activity Through January 9, 2024

Via Access Health CT's News/Press Releases page:

Stats as of January 12, 2023

Qualified Health Plans (QHP):

  • QHP Enrollment In 2023 Coverage: 126,874
  • 2024 OE Acquisition Summary: 26,632


  • Completed applications/redeterminations processed through the integrated eligibility system: 48,646

It's my understanding that "Acquisition Summary" refers to CT residents who are brand-new enrollees (never enrolled via the exchange before).

By comparison, last year Access Health CT reported enrolling 106,390 people through January 13th (one extra day since Nov. 1st fell on a Tuesday last year):

  • 2023: 106,390 in 74 days (1,438/day)
  • 2024: 126,874 in 73 days (1,738/day)

In other words, Connect's ACA exchange has enrolled 20.9% more people per day so far.

Washington HealthPlan Finder

via the Washington HealthPlan Finder:

  • Record numbers sign-up for 2024 health insurance through Washington Healthplanfinder as deadline nears
  • Jan. 15 is the last day to sign up for health insurance through Washington Healthplanfinder outside of special enrollment — plans will start Feb. 1

A record number of Washingtonians, more than 263,000, had their health insurance renewed or newly signed-up for a plan since open enrollment began on Nov. 1. This does not include those who are on Washington Apple Health (Medicaid). More than 55,000 Washingtonians also renewed their dental insurance, while more than 21,000 newly signed-up for dental coverage through Washington Healthplanfinder. Washingtonians have until Jan. 15 to sign-up for a 2024 health or dental plan through Washington Healthplanfinder during open enrollment.

As promised, here's my full state-by-state breakout of the latest 2024 ACA Open Enrollment Period "Snapshot" report as we head into the final week of enrollment in most states.

As I noted earlier today:

Here's an overview of the year over year comparison. I had to adjust for the missing day (thru 12/23 instead of 12/24 last year). I've also had to adjust for the fact that Virginia moved from the federal exchange to its own platform this year:

