Nevada: @NVHealthLink reports 6,900 more Nevadans enrolled via Special Enrollment Period so far; #GetCovered thru 8/15!

There's no formal press release yet, but I've confirmed that the Nevada Health Link ACA exchange has enrolled 6,908 additional Nevadans in ACA exchange coverage via the COVID Special Enrollment Period as of yesterday (5/06) so far.
This breaks out to around 85 per day from 2/15 - 5/06.
Unfortunately, I don't have Nevada's 2019 or 2020 SEP enrollment handy for comparison, but NV's statewide population (3.10) is right in between Arkansas (3.03 million) and Iowa (3.19 million), which at least allows for a rough comparison:
This strongly suggests that Nevada's 85/day average is perhap 2.5x higher than 2019 and perhaps twice as high as 2020, although 2020 is a fuzzier comparison since didn't have a COVID SEP last year while the Nevada Health Link did.