
Old Reliable Minnesota comes through again...

latest enrollment numbers

September 14, 2014

Health Coverage Type Total Enrollments
Medical Assistance 200,548
MinnesotaCare 71,960
Qualified Health Plan (QHP) 54,646
TOTAL 327,154


That's 156 more QHPs in the past 6 days, and 5,681 more added to Medicaid:

latest enrollment numbers

September 8, 2014

Health Coverage Type Total Enrollments
Medical Assistance 196,027
MinnesotaCare 70,893
Qualified Health Plan (QHP) 54,510
TOTAL 321,430

If it seems like I keep posting Minnesota's latest every few days, that's because...well, frankly, I am, for two reasons: First, they're updating it every few days (almost odometer-like); and second, MNsure is pretty much the only one posting updates on a regular basis (again, Oregon is now the only one doing so more frequently than once a month).

On the up side, those MN numbers keep increasing at a pretty impressive rate, with another 294 QHPs added and 5,848 more added to Medicaid/CHIP in just the past 6 days:

latest enrollment numbers

September 2, 2014

Health Coverage Type Total Enrollments
Medical Assistance 191,568
MinnesotaCare 69,671
Qualified Health Plan (QHP) 54,354
TOTAL 315,593

For some perspective, this means that Minnesota's total ACA exchange enrollments have gone up over 5.1% in just the past 12 days.

Minnesota continues to quietly crank along...

latest enrollment numbers

August 27, 2014

Health Coverage Type Total Enrollments
Medical Assistance 187,112
MinnesotaCare 68,279
Qualified Health Plan (QHP) 54,060
TOTAL 309,451

The Good News: Minnesota, as always, continues to provide consistent, up-to-date enrollment data, adding 56 QHPs over a 3 day period:

latest enrollment numbers

August 24, 2014

Health Coverage Type Total Enrollments 
Medical Assistance 183,503
MinnesotaCare 67,054
Qualified Health Plan (QHP) 53,866
TOTAL 304,423 

The Bad News: Up until recently I was only receiving regular upates from 3 states (plus monthly updates from Maryland and random, occasional updates from various other states). For the past few weeks, however, even 2 of those 3 states (Hawaii and Oregon) have seemingly gone radio silent as well. Aside from the next monthly MD update (due sometime this week, I believe), that leaves Minnesota as the sole state keeping their data up to date.

Meanwhile, Minnesota's exchange Medicaid total has now broken the 250K mark and stands at 250,557.

I received the following email from someone regarding small group insurance policies out of Minnesota (emphasis mine):

Maybe not useful to you, but an insurance agent in MN told me he just got quotes for his first three 2015 group coverage renewals: -7.5%, -2.5%, -7.5%.

He's slightly shocked.

I asked if he could provide some further details; so far this is as much as he's able to add:

...He's rural, so those are likely group plans for small businesses, maybe a small school system.  Recent changes have been +8-24%,  so this is a gigantic change.

Three more quick hits...the third one really deserves its own entry, but frankly, I'm too exhausted today and want to get it off the books, so...


Vermont signed a revised contract with the tech firm Optum that expands its role in Vermont Health Connect’s operations.

Optum already had a contract worth $5.6 million for consulting work, and the latest deal, signed Aug. 15, is worth an additional $9.5 million for a total of $15.1 million.


...At latest count, Optum has helped the state halve its backlog of coverage changes and information errors from a high of more than 14,000 to roughly 7,000. Also, close to 4,000 people are having billing issues with Vermont Health Connect. There is some overlap between the two groups, Miller said.

Minnesota exchange gets new marketers

The news that MNsure is switching to a new ad team isn't that noteworthy, but check out the reasoning (in bold):

When I updated the Minnesota exchange numbers just a few days ago, they stood at 53,647 QHPs & 240,654 Medicaid/CHIP enrollees...or 294,301 total.

Just 3 days later, the MNsure exchange has tacked on almost 5,800 more people, breaking through the 300,000 mark:

More Than 300,000 Minnesotans Enroll in Quality Health Coverage Through MNsure

ST. PAUL, Minn.—MNsure today announced that 300,085 Minnesotans have enrolled in comprehensive, affordable health insurance coverage through the state health insurance marketplace.

“I’m proud to announce today that more than 300,000 Minnesotans have enrolled in health insurance through MNsure,” said MNsure CEO Scott Leitz. “During the State Fair, we hope to help even more Minnesotans find comprehensive, affordable coverage that meets the needs of their families or small businesses. Be sure to visit us in the Health Fair 11 building and bring your questions about MNsure.”

Minnesota continues to quiet down, with only 110 more QHPs added in the past 4 days, but over 3,200 more added to Medicaid via ACA expansion:

latest enrollment numbers

August 17, 2014

Health Coverage Type Total Enrollments 
Medical Assistance 176,416
MinnesotaCare 64,238
Qualified Health Plan (QHP) 53,647
TOTAL 294,301

Not a lot of news this week as the whole country seems to be transfixed by the shooting death of Michael Brown and the insane overreaction by the police in Ferguson, Missouri (as well as the deaths of legends Robin Williams and Lauren Bacall).

However, Minnesota continues to quietly crank along, adding 141 people to the QHP tally and 4,748 to Medicaid in just the past 3 days:

enrollment update

latest enrollment numbers

August 13, 2014

Health Coverage Type Total Enrollments 
Medical Assistance 173,953
MinnesotaCare 63,437
Qualified Health Plan (QHP) 53,537
TOTAL 290,927

