Idaho: A silver lining for those kicked off of Medicaid/CHIP...Special Enrollment Period extended thru 11/30

Yesterday I noted that Idaho, which was the one of the first states to start "redetermining" Medicaid/CHIP enrollees the moment the Medicaid Unwinding process began last spring, has at least completed doing so; in the end, over 121,000 - 145,000 Idahoans got the boot, of which somewhere between 51,000 - 106,000 may still actually be eligible for Medicaid/CHIP coverage due to having their coverage terminated for purely procedural reasons.
Today, there's a consolation prize of sorts; via Your Health idaho:
Special Enrollment Period for the Loss of Medicaid Extended
Idahoans who have lost Medicaid coverage have until Nov 30, 2023, to enroll in health insurance through Your Health Idaho
BOISE, Idaho – Idahoans who lost their Medicaid coverage during Medicaid unwinding can now enroll in coverage until November 30, 2023, through an extended Special Enrollment Period.
The Special Enrollment Period (SEP) for the Loss of Medicaid coverage has been extended or re-instated for any Idahoan who lost their Medicaid coverage during Medicaid unwinding, which began in February of 2023. Idahoans whose 90-day SEP has ended now have a new SEP, effective immediately through November 30, 2023, to enroll in health insurance. Idahoans still within their 90-day SEP also have until November 30, 2023 to enroll in coverage. Once enrolled in health insurance for 2023, coverage for 2024 will be automatically renewed.
“We are excited to be able to offer Idahoans who may still need health insurance the chance to enroll in quality coverage through Your Health Idaho and encourage them to take the steps now to find the plan that best fits their needs. Once enrolled in a plan for 2023, they don’t have to do anything for 2024; they will automatically be renewed in coverage,” said Pat Kelly, Your Health Idaho Executive Director.
Notices will continue to be sent with options and the steps to enroll in coverage. Idahoans who do not need health insurance for 2023 but are looking for 2024 coverage can enroll during Open Enrollment, which starts on October 15. Your Health Idaho is the only place to apply for and receive a tax credit that can pay for some or all of your health insurance monthly premium. Cost Sharing Reductions available on Silver plans is another way to help lower the cost of coverage.
Idaho is one of a handful of states which has started launching Open Enrollment in mid-October instead of the official launch date of November 1st in recent years.
Visit the Loss of Medicaid page for more information on the next steps for continuing your health insurance coverage through Your Health Idaho. For Idahoans who have questions or are unsure of how to enroll, Your Health Idaho recommends working with a certified agent or broker whose help is available at no cost. They are local experts ready to answer questions, help complete the application, and choose a plan. To find an agent or broker, visit and click Find Help.