New Jersey: @GetCoveredNJ announces #ARP-expanded #ACA subsidies are NOW LIVE! #GetCovered

Good news! More financial help is now available through Get Covered New Jersey
New Federal and State Savings
The federal government recently passed a COVID-19 relief bill, the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, which was signed into law by President Biden on March 11, 2021. The new law will reduce health insurance premiums by providing more financial help to eligible consumers who purchase a plan through Get Covered New Jersey. The State of New Jersey is also providing more financial help to lower health insurance costs for residents enrolling at Get Covered New Jersey.
More people than ever will qualify for financial help. If you did not qualify for financial help before because your income was too high, you may qualify under the state and federal changes. If you already receive financial help, you will likely be eligible for additional premium reductions. These new changes make coverage more affordable at many income levels.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the State of New Jersey has remained focused on improving residents’ access to quality, affordable health insurance. The financial help available through this relief bill and the State of New Jersey builds on the state’s efforts to provide access to health coverage for more New Jerseyans.
To ensure that as many residents as possible can benefit from the new financial help, the State of New Jersey has extended the health insurance enrollment window through the end of the year.
Here are more details on what you can expect:
Increases in financial help for all eligible consumers. The amount of financial help is based on household income just like before, but has increased at every income level due to more financial help provided by both the state and federal government.
New financial help for higher incomes. Previously, financial help was not available for households making more than $51,040 for an individual or $104,800 for a family of four. The new federal law ensures that no family spends more than 8.5% of their income on health insurance premiums - at any income. This means many individuals who previously did not qualify for financial help from the federal government may now see more affordable premiums. On top of the federal financial help, the State of New Jersey has also increased financial help to higher incomes, to further lower premiums, which will be effective beginning May 1st.
Financial help for unemployed. Households receiving unemployment compensation in 2021 may be eligible for nearly free coverage for the rest of the year through GetCoveredNJ. Find more information here.
Use these step-by-step guides to see if you qualify now:
- New to GetCoveredNJ? Click here for the 5 steps you should take.
- Already enrolled in GetCoveredNJ? Click here for the 4 steps you should take.
- Applied before but don’t have a plan? Click here for the 4 steps you should take.
Enroll or Update Your Account or Estimate Your Financial Help