District of Columbia: @DCHealthLink urges residents to take advantage of lower health insurance premiums via the #ARP; #GetCovered today!

This just in via DC Health Link:
DC Residents Urged to Take Advantage of $36 Million in Lower Health Insurance Premiums Provided Through the American Rescue Plan
- Customers already receiving reduced premiums will see an additional average savings of $146 a month starting in May – totaling an average of additional $1800 in savings for 2021.
Washington, DC – The DC Health Benefit Exchange Authority is urging District of Columbia residents to take advantage of the opportunity to potentially save thousands of dollars per year in health insurance premiums through the American Rescue Plan. On March 29, the District opened its on-line health insurance marketplace – DC Health Link – with all expanded health insurance benefits provided by the American Rescue Plan. The American Rescue Plan will save District residents covered through DC Health Link approximately $36 million in health insurance premiums this year. Open enrollment for the American Rescue Plan started on March 29. District residents who have provided their income information to DC Health Link are now saving an additional average of $146 a month this year – or nearly $1800 for 2021. District residents can go to DCHealthLink.com right now to preview their premium savings and enroll in a health plan.
Signed into law by President Biden, the American Rescue Plan:
- expands who qualifies for lower premiums so no one pays more than 8.5% of income for health insurance for 2021 and 2022;
- lowers monthly premiums even more than under the ACA for 2021 and 2022; and
- for residents who received unemployment insurance in 2021, provides health insurance for as little as $2/month with no annual deductibles.
All of these benefits are available online now through DCHealthLink.com.
“The American Rescue Plan is great news for District residents who will qualify for even more affordable premiums – even as low as $2/month,” said Diane C. Lewis, M.P.A., Chair of the DC Health Benefit Exchange Authority Executive Board. “If you are already receiving reduced premiums through DC Health Link, you’ll see extra monthly savings on your May premium.”
DC Health Link automatically lowered premiums for customers who already provided income information. These savings will be reflected on their May invoices and customers can see the new savings in their DC Health Link account. Residents on average now save $534 per person on monthly premiums, which is $146 per person more in savings. Average annual savings is nearly an additional $1800. Residents who received unemployment insurance in 2021 get even bigger savings. For example, a family of four were paying $1,082.98 per month and now will pay $264.98 per month and will have no deductibles for the same benefits. A 57-year-old resident was paying $357.10 per month and now will pay $3.76 per month for the same coverage and won’t have deductibles.
District residents who pay full price for coverage on DC Health Link need to log in to their DCHealthLink.com account and provide income information in order to receive new lower monthly premiums. DC Health Link estimates that these currently enrolled customers will save 40% on their premiums. Current and potential new customers can go to “Plan Match” – an anonymous tool on DC Health Link—and in less than 30 seconds can see if they qualify for lower premiums.
For more information on the American Rescue Plan, click here.
District residents can enroll in a health insurance plan online through DCHealthLink.com, or by calling (855) 532-LINK [5465].
All DC Health Link plans cover diagnosis, testing, treatment, and vaccination for COVID-19 for free.