Colorado: @C4HCO CEO & other officials issue statement re. Supreme Court #ACA ruling

This just in from Connect for Health Colorado...
U.S. Supreme Court Upholds the Affordable Care Act
- Coverage protections, financial help and many other programs continue as part of law that has helped millions of Coloradans
Today, the United States Supreme Court announced its 7-2 decision in California v. Texas, No. 19-840, to uphold the Affordable Care Act (ACA), now covering 31 million Americans.
“We are pleased with the Court’s decision to uphold the Affordable Care Act. This is welcome news to more than 500,000 Coloradans who have gained access to quality health care coverage through Medicaid expansion,” said Kim Bimestefer, executive director of the Department of Health Care Policy & Financing. “This coverage expansion is more important than ever, given the COVID-19 pandemic and economic downturn, which has caused many Coloradans to lose their jobs and with that their employer-sponsored health insurance coverage.”
Through the ACA, the federal government provides about 90 cents on every coverage dollar, making the decision to expand Medicaid very affordable. Since the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, Colorado has received approximately $10 billion in federal funds to pay for coverage for Coloradans under the ACA’s Medicaid expansion provision – $1.7 billion last year alone.
Beyond allowing states to expand their Medicaid programs, the Affordable Care Act included many other changes such as protections for coverage for individuals with preexisting conditions, coverage for individuals up to age 26 on their parent’s health insurance plans and authorizing state-based marketplaces for consumers to shop for coverage and qualify for financial assistance to reduce the cost of premiums. Colorado launched its own marketplace, Connect for Health Colorado.
“Today’s decision means that families can have more peace of mind when it comes to their health coverage and protecting their health and finances,” said Kevin Patterson, Chief Executive Officer of Connect for Health Colorado, the state’s Marketplace. “Our focus continues to be to get people covered and to provide them with as much assistance as possible, so that health insurance isn’t something they have to worry about. I also want to encourage people who find themselves uninsured or in need of more affordable options to reach out to Connect for Health Colorado now. We’re offering more savings than ever before and are keeping our doors open through at least August 15. We have already enrolled more than 200,000 Coloradans this year.”
“This is a great day for Colorado and the country,” said Colorado Insurance Commissioner Michael Conway. “The ACA has helped millions not only get health insurance, but gave them access to necessary care for chronic conditions, accidents and now COVID-19. Knowing that it will continue is a great relief to many. We can move forward on helping Coloradans without this looming threat hanging over us.”