Nevada: NV Health Link nears 100K QHPs, already higher than final 2024 OEP total

Nevada Health Link hasn't published a formal press release about this yet (I'm assuming they're waiting until they actually break 100K to do so, which would be perfect timing since the deadline to enroll for January 1st coverage is New Year's Eve), but I just found this in their December Executive Director's Report from 2 days ago:


Following the close of week seven, the Plan Year 2025 OEP is the Exchange’s highest performing to date. The annual passive renewals (or Auto-renewals) job was completed in mid-October with a greater than 99.9% renewal success rate.

Holy crap. That's astonishing.

When OEP began on November 1, 91,555 individuals were enrolled in 2025 health coverage, and 16,820 individuals were enrolled in dental coverage, our highest starting numbers ever.

(I'm assuming that's a typo & should be 2024 health coverage, since obviously you can't have anyone enrolled in 2025 coverage prior to OEP launching).

Here's the key point, though:

Since November 1, enrollments have increased steadily. As of December 13, 99,700 Nevadans were actively enrolled in health coverage for 2025. Already this figure exceeds 2024’s end-of-OEP total of 99,312 health enrollees, and if the current trajectory continues then 2025 could see a record-setting number of marketplace enrollments in Nevada.

Add Nevada to the list of states which have already exceeded 2024 OEP's final enrollment numbers.

They also have a rather telling graph:
