Texas joins nearly every other state in expanding postpartum Medicaid/CHIP coverage to 12 months; 137K to benefit

On the one hand the state of Texas has enacted a policy of literally allowing women with life-threatening pregnancies to die in hospital lobbies rather than save their lives by allowing an emergency abortion.
On the other hand, well, at least if women manage to survive childbirth, they & their newborn baby will have Medicaid coverage for a full year in the future. Via the Austin American-Statesman:
Texas mothers are one step closer to getting health coverage for 12 months following pregnancy.
This week, the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services approved Texas' plan to provide 12 months of postpartum health care coverage through Medicaid or Children's Health Insurance Program instead of the current 60 days. Those programs are for people who qualify based on income. The extended coverage will begin March 1.
...In October, Texas' Health & Human Services Commission submitted its plan for 12 months of continuous postpartum coverage after the state Legislature passed House Bill 12 during the 2023 regular session in May. The bill had 73 sponsors and was bipartisan.
In June, Abbott signed House Bill 12 into law, paving the way for the state to seek approval from CMS.
The state expects approximately 137,000 women will benefit from 12-months postpartum coverage in fiscal 2025.
“This is a fantastic step forward to support healthy moms and babies," said Diana Forester, director of health policy at advocacy group Texans Care for Children. “Disagreements between elected officials get a lot of attention, but this is an example of how our state legislators really can come together to improve access to health care for Texas families."
...As of this month, 47 states and Washington, D.C., either have 12 months or plan to have 12 months of coverage. Only Idaho, Iowa, Arkansas and Wisconsin do not.
Hmmm...that looks like a typo, unless DC is being included as part of the 47 figure.
This new law will affect future postpartum people as well as current new mothers. Anyone who has given birth but whose Medicaid coverage ended can reenroll if they are still within the 12-month period.
It's important to note that the 12-month postpartum coverage extension is only possible thanks to the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (and the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023).