New York: NY State of Health reports 277K QHPs, up 32% y/y with nearly a month left to #GetCovered!

NY State of Health hasn't issued any formal 2024 Open Enrollment Period press releases with hard enrollment data yet, but they have posted this January 2024 Essential Plan and Qualified Health Plan Enrollment by County and Plan report.
Most of the report is devoted to breaking out enrollment in NY's Basic Health Plan (BHP) program, called the Essential Plan in the Empire State, but it also breaks out enrollment in Qualified Health Plans (QHPs) as of January 1st via their ACA exchange platform by county...including statewide summaries at the bottom.
As of January 1st, 2024, NYSoH reports:
- 1,197,534 BHP enrollees
- 276,962 QHP enrollees
I don't remember whether the deadline for January 1st effectuation was 12/15 or 12/31 in New York, but assuming it was 12/31 this means a whopping 32% more people signed up by New Year's Eve than last year at the same point (209,854). If it was 12/15, it's a bit higher (32.6%).
In fact, last year just 212,580 New Yorkers had signed up for exchange QHPs by the end of January, which means NY is already running 30% higher year than last year's final enrollment total...with nearly a month left for people to sign up (unlike most states which cut enrollment off on 1/16, New York's Open Enrollment Period extends through the end of January).
As impressive as this is, it's also worth noting that last year's OEP enrollment in New York was down over 4% from 2022, so perhaps some of this is just data entry cleanup?
On the other hand, that 277K figure presumably only includes effectuated enrollees; if so, the official QHP selection total could be slightly higher yet since a small portion of those who sign up don't actually pay their first premium or are rejected for legal residency verification reasons/etc.