Connecticut: @AccessHealthCT breaks 98K enrollees; #GetCovered by 12/15 for your plan to start January 1st!

This is a very minor update, but since there was such a massive enrollment data dump this morning for every state (including Connecticut), I figured I should be as comprehensive as possible.
In this morning's CMS report, the put Connecticut's Qualifed Health Plan (QHP) selection total at 93,060 as of November 27th (75,197 auto-renewals plus 17,863 active renewals/new enrollments).
Access Healths own News/Press Releases webpage, however, has slightly more recent data:
Stats as of December 10, 2021 (Updated every Friday during Open Enrollment)
Qualified Health Plans (QHP):
- QHP Enrollment In 2022 Coverage: 98,220
- 2022 OE Acquisition Summary: 8,247
- Completed applications/redeterminations processed through the integrated eligibility system: 13,260
I'm not entirely sure what the 8,247 figure refers to. I think it's already counted as part of the 98,220 figure; that would mean 5,160 additional enrollments from 11/27 - 12/10, or 397/day, whereas if it's in addition to that number, enrollments would have grown by another 1,031/day, which seems a bit high for Connecticut at this point. I could be wrong, however.