Idaho actually already launched their 2025 Open Enrollment Period on October 15th, and it only runs through December 16th.*
...*Idaho has continued to doing this even though Nov. 1st has almost always been the official start date and the Biden Admin extended the end date out to Jan. 15th several years ago. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued new rules last year which I had thought were supposed to crack down on this & bring Idaho in line with other states, but apparently the Gem State was grandfathered in.
There is no doubt about it—fall is here. Many of us take this time to wind down from the summer’s excitement and start preparing for the upcoming year. While it may not be the most thrilling task, health insurance is one of the most important things you can plan for every year.
Starting October 1, you can visit to preview 2025 health plans. During this period, you can window shop for health insurance plans without logging in to an account or filling out an application. Previewing plans can give you confidence in your future decision and the freedom to thoroughly review your options.
On April 14th, I noted that Idaho, which had previously refused to join the twelve other state-based ACA exchanges in launching an "open" COVID-19 specific Special Enrollment Period (i.e., open to any uninsured resident regardless of reason) announced that going forward, they were modifying their regular SEP rules somewhat:
...In partnership with the Idaho Department of Insurance and Idaho insurance providers, and in alignment with Governor Little’s initiative to reduce regulations, Your Health Idaho is working to relax the requirements for eligible Idahoans to enroll in coverage.
Back on March 23rd, I noted that while every other state-based ACA exchange has launched an official COVID-19-specific Special Enrollment Period, there are two ACA exchanges which have refused to do so. One of them is the mothership, HealthCare.Gov, which is run by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid (CMS) and which hosts a whopping 38 states. The other one is Your Health Idaho:
I contacted the exchange last week to see what the deal was re. a COVID-19 SEP and they kicked the ball over to the state Insurance Dept:
COVID-19 (coronavirus) is not currently considered grounds for a Special Enrollment Period in Idaho. Questions around the potential offering of an SEP would be best answered by the Idaho Department of Insurance. This really falls within their regulatory authority. YHI will follow their guidance and support whatever decision is made.
I did indeed contact the Idaho DOI, but I didn't hear back from them until today. Here's what they had to say:
For a couple of weeks now, I've been posting constant updates as one state-based ACA exchange after another has announced a COVID-19-specific Special Enrollment Period in light of the ongoing pandemic crisis. Until now, though, there's been two ACA exchanges which haven't made such an announcement. One is the Big One, HealthCare.Gov, which hosts a whopping 38 states and which is facing increasing pressure to do so.
The Idaho. Specifically, Your Health Idaho, the state's ACA exchange.