Young Adults

It's been a long, long time since I've written about the "Sub26ers"...that is, the population of Americans age 18 - 25 who are enrolled in the same healthcare policy as their parents thanks to the ACA's provision mandating that insurance carriers allow them to do so. While I may be missing a more recent article, the last time I recall writing anything in depth about this was nearly a decade ago:

Long-time readers will remember that throughout the 2014 Open Enrollment period, there was much fuss and bother made by both the Obama administration, the HHS Dept., myself and some ACA detractors over the "sub26er" population: Young adults aged from 19-25 years old who are covered by their parents policies thanks to provisions in the Affordable Care Act requiring all new policies issued since 2010 to allow this.

At the time I was a bit obsessed with trying to suss out just how many Americans fell into this particular category. It was a tricky number to pin down for a number of reasons, but in the end it seemed to hover somewhere in the 2 - 3 million range, depending on your source.
