REMINDER: Here's who's eligible for Medicaid, CHIP & BHP in every state
A few years back I posted an entry which breaks out the income eligibility thresholds for Medicaid and CHIP in every state. I've reposted an updated version below, which also takes into account Basic Health Plan (BHP) eligibility in Minnesota and New York. This comes directly from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid. Note the footnotes at the bottom. The pink cells on the right indicate that the state has not yet expanded Medicaid under the ACA (Maine and Virginia have passed but note implemented doing so, while Medicaid expansion is on the ballot in Idaho, Nebraska and Utah this November).
As a reminder, here's the 2018 Federal Poverty Level income chart for every state except Alaska and Hawaii (Alaska is 25% higher, Hawaii is 15% higher):
The following table provides eligibility levels in each state for key coverage groups that use Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI), as of April 1, 2018. The data represent the principal, but not all, MAGI coverage groups in Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and the Basic Health Program (BHP). All income standards are expressed as a percentage of the federal poverty level (FPL). The MAGI-based rules generally include adjusting an individual’s income by an amount equivalent to a 5% FPL disregard. Other eligibility criteria also apply, such as citizenship, immigration status, and state residency.