Chalk up another 4,300 Off-Exchange QHPs in Iowa & Nebraska

Hat Tip To: 
Leigh McGivern

Back in January, I found my first solid data on off-exchange enrollments via a Co-Op operating in Iowa and Nebraska called CoOportunity. They helpfully provided their data through January 24, which totalled 10,166 off-exchange enrollments in Iowa and antoher 17,779 in Nebraska.

Last week, they provided an update to these figures. When you add off-exchange individual/family policies to small & large group policies (which are "off-exchange" by definition, since the SHOP system isn't operational get redirected to the individual companies/co-ops), Iowa is up to 12,293 and Nebraska is up to 19,959, as of February 24.


  • Individual/Family members: 12,633 (6,000 on exchange/6,633 off exchange)
  • Small group members: 5,511*
  • Large group members: 149*


  • Individual/Family members: 20,836 (11,926 on exchange/8,910 off exchange)
  • Small group members: 8,847*
  • Large group members: 2,202*

*(Sm/Lg Group enrollments are "off-exchange" by definition since they can't be purchased via the exchange, which serves both Iowa and Nebraska)
