New York: On @NYStateofHealth's 10th Anniversary, they announce the launch of the 2024 Open Enrollment Period

Every year I seem to forget that New York State of Health launches their annual ACA Open Enrollment Period two weeks later than every other state for some reason...
- New Yorkers Who Enroll by December 15 Will Have Health Insurance in Place for January 1
- Enhanced Health Insurance Premium Tax Credits Remain Available in 2024
- NY State of Health Makes Available Certified Enrollment Assistors to Offer Free Help, Plan Comparisons , and Cost Estimates to Consumers Across the State
ALBANY, NY. (November 16, 2023) – NY State of Health, the state’s Official Health Plan Marketplace, today announced the beginning of its eleventh annual open enrollment period for health insurance. New Yorkers shopping for coverage through the Marketplace are offered a wide selection of high-quality comprehensive health plans, with the support of certified enrollment assistors to guide them through the enrollment process, establish eligibility, and determine any potential financial assistance. Beginning today, consumers have until December 15, 2023, to renew or enroll in a Qualified Health Plan for health insurance starting January 1, 2024.
“It is that time of the year again, when we need to look at our health insurance and make sure we have the coverage that best serves our needs. ” State Health Commissioner Dr. James McDonald said . “I thank the NY State of Health for their years of providing New Yorkers with an array of health insurance options that are comprehensive, high quality, and affordable.”
“Ten years ago, we opened one of the most successful state-based marketplaces in the country. With nearly seven million New Yorkers covered, NY State of Health continues to be a valuable resource for New Yorkers searching for high-quality, low-cost health insurance, so they can access and afford the care they need,” NY State of Health Executive Director Danielle Holahan said . “We encourage consumers who need health coverage to preview Marketplace options , and find a plan now for 2024.”
New Yorkers who enroll after December 15 will still be able to enroll in health insurance as enrollment for Qualified Health Plans will remain open throughout the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Unwind which ends May 2024. After the PHE Unwind ends, Special Enrollment Period rules will apply for Qualified Health Plan enrollment. To avoid a gap in coverage, New Yorkers who are currently enrolled in coverage through the NY State of Health should enroll by December 15. The table below shows the effective date of coverage based on when a consumer enrolls:
Open Enrollment Date / QHP Coverage Start Date
- 11/16 - 12/15: Jan. 1, 2024
- 12/16 - 1/15: Feb. 1, 2024
- 1/16 - 2/15:* Mar 1, 2024
- 2/16 - 3/15:* Apr 1, 2024
- 3/16 - 4/15:* May 1, 2024
- 4/16 - 5/15:* Jun 1, 2024
- 5/16 - 5/31:* Jul 1, 2024
*Enrollment dates after January 31, 2024, are a result of the PHE Unwind Special Enrollment Period.
All plans through the Marketplace provide free preventive care, such as routine office visits and recommended screenings, and cover doctor’s visits, hospital stays, emergency care, maternity and newborn care, mental health and substance abuse disorder services, prescription drugs, rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices, laboratory services, preventive and wellness services, chronic disease management, and pediatric dental and vision. Significantly increased federal tax credits , authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act/Inflation Reduction Act, will continue through 2025, making monthly Qualified Health Plan premiums more affordable.
How to EnrollThere are three ways to enroll in a health plan through the Marketplace:
- Receive free personalized help from a Certified Enrollment Assistor. Consumers can find one at .
- Call the NY State of Health Customer Service Center at 1-855-355-5777.
- Visit . A web chat feature is available to consumers during Customer Service Center hours to help them complete their applications.
The Marketplace has thousands of certified enrollment assistors throughout the state, available with flexible hours, to provide new and returning consumers with free in-person guidance through the enrollment process. Enrollment assistors can provide help in 65 languages and the Customer Service Center has available more than 500 bilingual/multilingual representatives. Assistance is available in any language through telephonic interpretation services. All one-on-one help is provided free of charge, and all information is confidential.
With renewals for Medicaid, Child Health Plus, and the Essential Plan resuming earlier this year after being suspended during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE), New York State is providing outreach and assistance to over 9 million public health insurance enrollees to ensure they maintain their coverage.
Renewal notices are being sent on a rolling basis to enrollees in Medicaid, Child Health Plus, and the Essential Plan by the NY State of Health, the New York City Human Resources Administration (HRA), and local Departments of Social Services. Notices are distributed based on enrollees’ enrollment end dates and include a renewal deadline to take action before risking a gap in coverage.
During the PHE Unwind renewal process, which continues through May 2024, the Marketplace will help New Yorkers maintain their coverage by allowing them to enroll in a Qualified Health Plan if they become ineligible for Medicaid or the Essential Plan. Enrollment is open all year for Medicaid, Child Health Plus, and the Essential Plan.
The State is monitoring enrollment during this process with a Public Health Emergency Unwind Dashboard, which tracks renewal status, demographics, and state program transitions every month.
The NY State of Health will continue its robust public education campaign and encourage consumers to sign up for text alerts to receive important reminders, including when it is time to renew their health insurance. Consumers can subscribe to NY State of Health alerts by texting START or INICIAR to 1-866-988-0327.
Open Enrollment Resources
There are several resources available to help consumers shop and compare plan options:
- Compare Plans and Estimate Cost Tool is available to view plan options side by side.
- Lists of plans by county are also available to help consumers learn what health and dental insurance plans will be available in their county in 2024.
- Plan selection resources are available in 27 languages.
- Certified Enrollment Assistors can provide consumers with free step-by-step help through the enrollment process.
- The NY State of Health Customer Service Center has over 500 bilingual/multilingual representatives on staff. Additionally, translation services are available for all languages to provide assistance in a consumer’s preferred language.