Rhode Island: 2020 Open Enrollment Information from HealthSourceRI

Need health insurance in 2020? Now’s the time to pick or renew your plan
HealthSource RI announces 2020 Open Enrollment period Nov. 1st – Dec 31st
EAST PROVIDENCE, RI (October 31, 2019) HealthSource RI, the state health insurance exchange, helps connect Rhode Islanders to a wide range of high quality, affordable health coverage options. Residents are encouraged to select and pay for a plan through HealthSource RI by December 23rd for coverage beginning January 1, 2020. The last possible day to enroll and pay for a plan is December 31st, but customers may experience a delay in receiving ID cards if they enroll after December 23rd.
“HealthSource RI helps keep health care costs low while ensuring that Rhode Islanders have access to high-quality care,” said Governor Raimondo. “I urge Rhode Islanders to take time to explore HealthSource RI’s many coverage options this open enrollment.”
HealthSource RI offers unbiased support, helping Rhode Islanders choose from a variety of plans and determine if they qualify for financial help paying for their monthly premiums. HealthSource RI is here to help residents get covered so they can avoid paying a penalty at tax time next year, as health coverage is a requirement in the state of Rhode Island beginning January 1, 2020.
New features have been introduced to help Rhode Islanders with enrollment and plan selection at HealthSource RI this year, including a prescription drug coverage comparison tool that will allow customers to review all available plans to determine if their medication is covered and what the cost is. Additionally, visitors to the HSRI website can connect with customer service through a new live web chat tool. These features complement the existing Plan Comparison & Savings Tool, which helps customers estimate their premium and out-of-pocket costs and determine whether their doctor participates in HealthSource RI plans.
“We’re proud to connect Rhode Islanders with high quality health insurance,” said HealthSource RI Acting Director Lindsay Lang. “We have a range of options to fit everyone’s needs, and our Walk-in center now has extended hours to better serve our customers during Open Enrollment. Now that the individual mandate is here, it is more important than ever for Rhode Islanders to have access to affordable coverage.”
Rhode Islanders can sign up for coverage online at HealthSourceRI.com, over the phone at 1-855-840-HSRI, in person at the HealthSource RI Walk-In Center at 401 Wampanoag Trail, East Providence or in their community (call 211 to find help nearby).
Customers can save time by scheduling an appointment at HealthSource RI’s Walk-In Center by visiting HealthSourceRI.com or by calling 1-844-602-3468.
HealthSource RI is also holding Enrollment Fairs on Tuesday, November 12 and Thursday, December 12 at Rhode Island Shriners’ Imperial Room at One Rhodes Place in Cranston. There are also other enrollment events in communities across Rhode Island. The full schedule is available on HealthSourceRI.com/events.
Small businesses can purchase health coverage year-round through HealthSource RI for Employers. HealthSource RI’s small business program is among the top in the nation, serving over 800 small employers or ten percent of the small group market. For more information, visit HealthSourceRI.com/Employers.