New Mexico: @NMHIX (BeWellNM) enrolls 43.3K QHPs thru 1/01; up slightly y/y w/a week left to #GetCovered!

This just in via BeWell NM, New Mexico's new state-based ACA exchange website:
Below you will find a summary of the Open Enrollment Period through week 9. The overview includes, but is not limited to:
- application
- plan selections
- new enrollees
- enrollees renewing coverage
- call center volume
- website traffic
In week nine of the 2022 Open Enrollment Period, over 43,000 New Mexicans have a plan selection, representing year-over-year growth. Over 33% of enrollees had in-person assistance (agents, brokers, or enrollment counselors). Individuals have until January 15th to enroll, and can opt in for coverage to start in January of February.
Final numbers, where accounts have been reviewed for errors or duplication, will be reported at the appropriate time after Open Enrollment.
The hard number breakout through January 1, 2022:
- Total active renewals: 11,241
- Total auto-renewals: 23,027
- Total new enrollees: 9,035
- Total net QHP plan selections: 43,303
Last year's final QHP tally for New Mexico was 42,984 people, so BeWellNM is actually up slightly already (around 0.7%) year over year. Remember, the 43.3K figure only runs thorugh 1/01, while Open Enrollment doesn't end until 1/15, so they should be able to pad this increase a bit more.