Connecticut: @AccessHealthCT breaks 104K enrollees; #GetCovered by 12/31 for your plan to start January 1st!
Fri, 12/17/2021 - 3:33pm

Via Access Health CT's News/Press Releases page:
Stats as of December 17, 2021 (Updated every Friday during Open Enrollment)
Qualified Health Plans (QHP):
- QHP Enrollment In 2022 Coverage: 104,085
- 2022 OE Acquisition Summary: 11,961
- Completed applications/redeterminations processed through the integrated eligibility system: 15,854
I'm not entirely sure what the 11,961 figure refers to. I think it's already counted as part of the 104,085 figure, but I could be wrong.
Last year's final OEP enrollment tally for Connecticut was 104,946 QHP selections, which they've come within 1% of breaking with a full month left to go.