Washington State: Enrollment in #CascadeCare plans reaches record numbers as #ACA Open Enrollment end nears; over 222K total QHP enrollees so far

via Washington HealthPlanFinder:
There is still time left to shop, switch and enroll in the best health plan for you in 2023 by Jan. 15
With just two weeks left in open enrollment, more than 222,000 Washingtonians have enrolled in their 2023 individual health plan through Washington Healthplanfinder. Driven by the availability of Cascade Care Savings, a new state premium subsidy, more than 60% of customers are enrolled in a Cascade Care plan for 2023 —double the number of enrollees in these plans in 2022.
“It’s great to see so many Washingtonians are taking advantage of new savings by selecting a Cascade Care plan. With Cascade Care, Washingtonians are purchasing plans that are not only high quality but may enable them to receive additional premium savings,” Washington Health Benefit Exchange interim CEO Jim Crawford said. “We are excited that more than 45,000 Washingtonians will begin to benefit from these savings this month. There’s still time left — through Jan. 15 — to enroll in or switch to a Cascade Care plan before open enrollment ends.”
With a Cascade Care Gold or Silver plan, individuals and families with income up to 250 percent of the federal poverty level — $33,975 for an individual or $69,375 for a family of four — may qualify for Cascade Care Savings. These monthly premium savings work in tandem with available federal subsidies. Overall, more than 75 percent of Washington Healthplanfinder customers receive state, federal or both subsidies — the highest percentage of Washingtonians benefiting from subsidies in Washington Healthplanfinder history.
During the past two months of open enrollment, more than three times as many Washingtonians have signed up for a public option (Cascade Select) plan, compared to this time last year. Public option plans meet all Cascade Care plan requirements of comparable benefits, lower copays and lower deductibles than non-Cascade plans, plus additional affordability and quality standards. For 2023, the average premiums for Cascade Select plans decreased by three percent, compared to an average market-wide increase of eight percent.
Still need help enrolling in a health plan for 2023?
The Exchange partners with a network of brokers, navigators and enrollment centers across the state. Visit Washington Healthplanfinder’s Virtual Help Details page for more information and to find an assister near you.
Customers can also enroll in 2023 coverage online through Jan. 15, by visiting wahealthplanfinder.org, or by calling the Customer Support Center at 1-855-923-4633. Washington Healthplanfinder’s Customer Support Center will have extended hours during open enrollment. The center will be open and ready to aid customers from 7:30 a.m.-7 p.m., Monday through Friday, closed on the weekends and holidays. The following adjustments have been made to the center’s schedule; extended hours are subject to change:
Additional open hours:
- Jan. 14, 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
- Jan. 15, 7:30 a.m. to midnight