Minnesota: @MNsure’s Tenth Open Enrollment Begins Next Week

via MNsure, Minnesota's ACA exchange:
Starting Tuesday, November 1, 2022, Minnesotans can enroll in comprehensive medical and dental coverage for 2023 and access exclusive savings that lower the cost of monthly premiums through MNsure, Minnesota’s health insurance marketplace.
Now in its tenth year of serving Minnesotans, MNsure is the trusted source to find health plans that meet the needs and budgets of Minnesotans. MNsure’s open enrollment period will run from November 1, 2022, through January 15, 2023. Open enrollment is the annual opportunity for Minnesotans to compare options, sign up for health coverage, or change plans.
“We’re looking forward to helping many new families enroll in coverage through MNsure for the first time this year,” said MNsure CEO Nate Clark. “If you’ve thought MNsure doesn’t have anything to offer your family because you didn’t qualify for tax credits before, now is the time to take another look. New federal rules have changed who’s eligible for savings and now more Minnesotans will be able to access tax credits that will lower premium costs by $560/month, on average, in 2023.”
To prepare for open enrollment, Minnesotans can follow three simple steps:
- See how much you can save. With just three key pieces of information – where you live, who is in your household, and total household income – you can get an immediate estimate of how much money you could save by enrolling in a plan through MNsure.
- Schedule an appointment for free help from an expert. MNsure’s statewide network of certified brokers and navigators can help you with the entire process from start to finish, but appointments will fill quickly.
- If you’re a current MNsure enrollee, update your account. Report any important household changes like getting married, having a baby, moving to a new address, or income changes.
For help managing an account, Minnesotans can contact MNsure representatives directly through our Contact Center at 651-539-2099 or 855-366-7873. Business hours for the Contact Center during open enrollment are available on the MNsure website.
MNsure is Minnesota's health insurance marketplace where individuals and families can shop, compare and choose health insurance coverage that meets their needs. MNsure is the only place you can apply for financial help to lower the cost of your monthly insurance premium and out-of-pocket costs. Most Minnesotans who enroll through MNsure qualify for financial help.