When are carriers in YOUR state supposed to submit their 2021 ACA premium rate changes?
So far, only 8 states (+DC) have released their preliminary 2020 ACA-compliant individual market premium rate filings. So what's the deal with the other 42 states? Well, here's a handy 2020 Submission Deadline table from SERFF (the System for Electronic Rates & Forms Filing, a database maintained by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners).
However, it's a bit overly cumbersome: It stretches out over 5 full pages, and includes columns for Standalone Dental Plans as well as a bunch of info regarding the Small Group Market.
To that end, I've cleaned up/simplified the 2021 Submission Deadline table considerably to only include the individual and small group market dates. I'll be perfectly honest: I'm not quite sure what the distinction is between the "Form/Rate Filings" and the "Binder Deadlines", but the dates tend to match up pretty closely, so I've included all of them below.
Needless to say, the deadlines provided by SERFF appear to be more "guidelines" than actual "deadlines", seeing how the rate filings don't appear to be publicly available in many states whose "deadline" has supposedly come and gone. I actually believe these deadlines are when the carriers have to submit their filings to the state, not necessarily when the state makes them available to the public.
Still, this should at least serve as a good marker for when interested parties should at least start keeping an eye out for the filing data.