District of Columbia: Enroll by 1/15 for February coverage; enroll by 1/31 for March coverage

via DC Health Link by email:
Healthcare Open Enrollment Going Strong in Washington, DC!
- DC Residents Can Sign Up for Quality Affordable Coverage Through Jan 31, 2020
WASHINGTON, DC – District of Columbia residents still have more than six (6) weeks to sign up for quality, affordable health insurance through DC Health Link, the District’s state-based health insurance exchange established under the Affordable Care Act. While the final deadline has passed for individuals across the country to sign up for health insurance through the federal marketplace (HealthCare.gov), DC Health Link’s Open Enrollment for individuals and families continues on until January 31, 2020.
For District residents, there are 25 private health insurance options from CareFirst Blue Cross Blue Shield and Kaiser Permanente for individuals and families. Eligible District residents can enroll in a health insurance plan online through DCHealthLink.com or by calling (855) 532-LINK [5465]. Plan selections made by January 15 will be effective on February 1, 2020. Plan selections made between January 16 and January 31 will be effective on March 1, 2020. Small businesses—as well as individuals and families eligible for Medicaid—can enroll through DCHealthLink.com at any point.
While Open Enrollment for individuals and families in the District of Columbia ends January 31, 2020, DC Health Link urges residents to “Don’t Delay, Enroll Today!”
The Affordable Care Act provides individuals, families, and small businesses in the District of Columbia with affordable options for quality health insurance. DC Health Link is the District’s online health insurance marketplace which allows visitors to shop, compare, and enroll in coverage that fits their needs and budgets.
This year, DC Health Link has provided health insurance to about 20,000 residents through the individual marketplace and almost 95,000 people through the small business marketplace. Washington, DC has the second lowest uninsured rate among all states in the nation, with almost 97 percent of District residents covered. Since opening for business in 2013, DC Health Link has helped cut the District’s uninsured rate in half.