Minnesota: MNsure teases first week Open Enrollment numbers

This just in via MNsure (Minesota's ACA exchange):
MNsure update on first week of open enrollment
ST. PAUL—MNsure CEO Nate Clark issued the following statement recapping the first full week of open enrollment:
“MNsure has seen strong and steady interest during the first week of open enrollment. Minnesotans have six weeks left to sign up for their 2020 coverage. Remember, MNsure is the only place Minnesotans can get access to tax credits that could lower premium costs. We’ve also got a statewide network of assisters who offer free, in-person help so consumers can be sure they’re finding the health care plan that meets their needs.”
Open enrollment figures will be released next Wednesday (11/13) at MNsure’s public board meeting at 1 p.m.
By the numbers: As of end of day, November 7
- MNsure.org visits: 209,882
- Plan comparison shopping sessions: 44,020
- Calls: 10,484
MNsure's seventh open enrollment period runs November 1, 2019, through December 23, 2019. Individuals earning up to $49,960 a year, or a family of four earning up to $103,000 a year, could qualify for federal tax credits. Additional income guidelines are available on the MNsure website. MNsure's customer service guide is located here. More information can be found at mnsure.org.
Important: This does not mean that they've enrolled 44,000 people. It just means 44,000 of the 210,000 who've visited the website the first week have at least window shopped in the first week. For comparison with last year:
As of end of day, November 7 (2018)
- MNsure.org visits: 187,135
- Plan comparison shopping sessions: 33,284
- Calls: 9,822
...and from 2017:
By the numbers (as of noon today):
- MNsure.org visits: 200,578
- Plan comparison shopping sessions: 33,411
- Calls: 10,684
Year over year total traffic is up 12%, while comparison sessions are up 32% and calls are up 7%.
Compared to 2017, the numbers are up 5%, up 32% and down 2%, however, so I'm not sure this means a whole lot.