How many people have Medicaid/CHIP coverage in YOUR Congressional District?

I recently posted Congressional District-level breakouts of total enrollment in ACA Exchange Plans & Basic Health Plans as well as Medicare (both Fee For Service and Advantage plans). The master spreadsheet also includes enrollment in Medicaid (both ACA Expansion as well as non-Expansion) and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP).
However, for no particular reason, I included the methodology for Medicaid & CHIP data in with the ACA enrollment post, since it ACA Expansion Medicaid overlaps with that.
Since I already covered the sources & methodology there, and since the Trump Administration made a ham-handed attempt to cut off Medicaid payment portals yesterday, in this post I've converted the Master Spreadsheet into 52 suitable-for-sharing graphics which break out Medicaid & CHIP enrollment by both state/territory and Congressional District.
In all cases, the total Medicaid & CHIP enrollment data is as of October 2024 via the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) prior to the Trump Admin taking it over.
The ACA expansion-specific Medicaid data is as of June 2024 for most states (also via CMS), except for the following states where it's more recent:
- Sept. 2024: California & Iowa
- Oct. 2024: Nevada
- Nov. 2024: New Mexico, Ohio, Oklahoma & Oregon
- Dec. 2024: Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Utah & Washington
- Jan. 2025: Georgia*, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, North Carolina & Virginia
*GA doesn't actually have proper ACA expansion, but has a very limited "GA Access" program with work reporting requirements
Note that I'll be updating the master spreadsheet from time to time with more recent enrollment data as it becomes available, so the enrollment numbers for some states/CDs may be slightly higher or lower than the ones in the graphics below depending on when you check it.
With that in mind, here's all 50 States, plus separate tables for the District of Columbia and the 5 U.S. Territories.