Missouri: Preliminary avg. unsubsidized 2025 #ACA rate changes: -1.7%; SSM out

The Missouri Insurance Dept. has posted their preliminary 2025 single risk pool filings for the individual and small group markets.
Not a whole lot stands out to me other than SSM Health Insurance apparently dropping out of the states indy market and a new carrier, Bankers Reserve Life Insurance, newly joining it.
At the same time, the Missouri small group market appears to be losing two carriers (or three depending on your POV): Aetna Health, Aetna Life and Cigna Health & Life are all missing from the 2025 filing summaries as well as the federal Rate Review database.
In any event, the MO individual market is looking at average premium reductions of 1.7% if approved as is, while small group plans are likely to increase by about 7.9% overall.
As always, these are subject to state regulatory review and approval.