Colorado: C4HCO offers funding opportunity for enrollment assistance

via Connect for Health Colorado:
DENVER— Connect for Health Colorado, Colorado’s official health insurance marketplace, is requesting applications from new and returning organizations to operate Assistance Sites, Certified Application Counselor locations, Enrollment Centers, and Referral Partner locations across the state.
“Our partners provide a crucial one-on-one service to help Coloradans get covered,” said Connect for Health Colorado’s Chief Executive Officer, Kevin Patterson. “They help us make sure local communities, especially those who face barriers in getting health coverage, can access the plans and savings we offer. I encourage interested organizations and current partners to apply.”
Partnership Opportunities
- Assistance Sites and Certified Application Counselor locations provide staff to support their communities with education, health insurance literacy, and the enrollment process. They are certified to assist with enrollment on Connect for Health Colorado’s Marketplace and Colorado Connect as well as Health First Colorado (Colorado’s Medicaid program) and the Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) program.
- Enrollment Centers across the state also offer health coverage education and enrollment assistance from a local storefront and can receive matching funds for marketing. These locations will also have the ability to help people on a walk-in basis.
- Referral Partners are organizations that can help educate their communities about available health coverage options, applicable financial help programs, and provide referrals for health coverage enrollment.
Who May Apply
Connect for Heath Colorado welcomes applications from community-based organizations, medical facilities, associations, ranching and farming organizations, chambers of commerce, unions, state and local human service agencies, Certified Brokers/Broker Agencies, and other organizations that meet the criteria for selection.How to Apply
See instructions and apply by April 10 here.
Attend a live webinar to learn about the application process March 7. Webinar information is available in this document.
Connect for Health Colorado will determine the award depending on the organization type, staffing, goals, and customer service. Connect for Health Colorado welcomes applications from any potential partner but might not accept all proposals.
Interested applicants can find information about the funded and non-funded opportunities, as well as criteria for each partnership award here.
- Feb. 26, 2024: Applications open
- 6 Week Application Period: Webinars and Q&A for interested organizations and Brokers
- Apr. 10, 2024: Application deadline
- Apr. 11 – May 15, 2024: Connect for Health Colorado will review and reply to applicants
- July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025: Contract period
For questions about the application or process: