District of Columbia: @DCHealthLink joins the #COVID19 Enrollment Period club...

This just in from the DC Health Link...
DC Residents Without Health Insurance Can Get Covered Now Through DC Health Link
Annual Open Enrollment is over, but DC Health Link’s COVID-19 Special Enrollment Period continues through the duration of DC’s public health emergency
(Washington, DC) – Uninsured District of Columbia residents have more time to enroll in health coverage for 2021. From now through the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, residents can enroll using DC Health Link’s Special Enrollment Period (SEP) for COVID-19. All DC Health Link plans cover diagnosis, treatment, testing, and vaccination for COVID-19 for free.
Last year, the DC Health Benefit Exchange Authority (DCHBX) adopted a COVID-19 Special Enrollment Period for District residents who need health insurance through the end of the District’s public health emergency. The same flexibility was extended to employees and dependents of employers already covered through DC Health Link. The deadline for these COVID-19 SEPs will automatically extend through the end of the pandemic.
DC Health Link has made enrollment just as easy as during Open Enrollment. Residents can login to their accounts at DCHealthLink.com, select ‘COVID-19’ as the special enrollment period, pick a start date, and select a plan. If residents sign up by February 28, they can choose for their coverage to start on either February 1 or March 1. In other words, residents signing up during the COVID-19 Special Enrollment Period can have coverage effective immediately.
Unlike other ACA exchanges, DC is just cutting to the chase: Enrollment for uninsured residents will continue until the end of the declared public health emergency, which could be in May...or July...or September...