Minnesota: MNsure reminds residents that there's still time to #GetCovered or change your plan

via MNsure, Minnesota's state ACA exchange:
ST. PAUL, Minn.—With the end of MNsure's open enrollment period just under two weeks away, MNsure is reminding private health plan enrollees that there is still time to renew or change their coverage for 2020. Additionally, those who are seeking coverage for 2020 and have not yet submitted an application through MNsure can do so through December 23, 2019.
"We strongly encourage all Minnesotans to come back to MNsure.org and compare plans to ensure they are getting the best deal and the best coverage for their family," said Nate Clark, MNsure CEO. "Financial assistance to lower premium costs is available, and the majority of Minnesotans qualify."
MNsure's open enrollment period runs through December 23, 2019, eight days longer than the federal open enrollment period.
Below is a brief guide to assist Minnesotans with coverage during open enrollment:
Current customers: Changing plans
Those enrolled in 2019 coverage who want to switch their coverage in 2020 can do so any time during open enrollment, which runs through December 23. Current enrollees do not have to fill out a new application to change their coverage for 2020 but can do so by accessing their enrollment dashboard by signing into their MNsure account. Step-by-step instructions for changing plans can be found on the website.If enrollees have questions about their plan features, such as deductibles, networks or co-pays, they can call their insurance company.
New customers: Enrolling in private coverage
After creating an account and submitting an application, Minnesotans will receive their household's eligibility determination. If they are eligible for private coverage, they can proceed to their enrollment dashboard and enroll online. By following these steps, Minnesotans can complete their enrollment in private coverage for 2020.Family members currently enrolled in Medical Assistance or MinnesotaCare do not have to take any action to renew their coverage unless directed by the Minnesota Department of Human Services.
Additional frequently asked questions about renewing 2019 coverage.