Alabama: (Preliminary) Avg. unsubsidized 2023 #ACA rate changes: +8.4% (unweighted)

Via the Alabama Insurance Dept:
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires that insurers planning to increase plan premiums submit their rates to the Alabama Department of Insurance for review.
The rate review process is designed to improve insurer accountability and transparency. It ensures that experts evaluate whether the proposed rate increases are based on reasonable cost assumptions and solid evidence. The ACA also requires that a summary of rate review justifications and results be accessible to the public in an easily understandable format. The Federal Rate Review website is designed to meet that mandate. For more information, see here.
The information is provided in the tables below. Also attached are links to the redacted actuarial memorandum, which support these changes. The rate changes are being proposed and reviewed by the Alabama Department of insurance (ALDOI). As soon as they are final, they may be purchased on the Federal Exchange or through private agents and brokers. The programs will be effective beginning on January 1, 2023.
If you wish to submit a comment please use the form available at the following link.
Unfortunately, the linked documents are still redacted and thus don't include the enrollment numbers for anyh of the carriers (Celtic and US Health are both new to the Alabama market so there's nothing to base a rate change on). Furthermore, the press release says nothing about the small group market...and the SERFF database is useless on that front as well, since everything is redacted.
As a result, I can't even make an educated guess as to the enrollment numbers for either market...and even the average rate hike is a guess for UnitedHealthcare due to the redactions. The unweighted average premium hike appears to be around 8.4%, but again, that's impossible to be sure of without knowing the actual market share of each carrier.