Nevada: @NVHealthLink issues Statement Regarding Supreme Court #ACA Ruling

From: Heather Korbulic, Executive Director, Silver State Health Insurance Exchange
Today, the U.S. Supreme Court dismissed a challenge from 18 states to the Affordable Care Act (ACA)—a decision that keeps the law intact and saves health care coverage for hundreds of thousands of Nevadans. For more than a decade, the ACA has helped Nevadans secure coverage, whether it is through the expansion of Medicaid, subsidies on the Exchange, or consumer protections built into the law.
The urgent need for comprehensive and affordable health care coverage has only increased throughout the pandemic and both Nevada Medicaid and the Nevada Health Link, the online health insurance marketplace operated by the Silver State Health Insurance Exchange, have been there to support Nevadans throughout this crisis and will be there as the state recovers. This is an important day for our country and an important win for Nevadans.
There is more work yet to be done to provide every Nevadan with quality, affordable health insurance and the affirmation of the ACA by the Supreme Court will allow that work to continue. Nevadans can enroll in an ACA plan now through August 15th by visiting