Add ANOTHER 24,466 ACA enrollments to the total

NOTE: This was originally posted over at Daily Kos. I've since ported it over here for archival purposes.
Three hours ago, I posted this diary about today's official ACA signup numbers being announced.
As everyone knows by now, the official enrollment figure--as of November 2nd--was about 106,000 (plus another 392,000 added to Medicaid).
Well, there's something important to remember--things have started to ramp up since the crappy first month. The site may still be having problems, but most of the state exchanges have worked theirs out, and California is starting to get things in gear:
California reports 59,000 health insurance enrollees through Tuesday
More than 59,000 Californians have signed up for coverage since the state launched its health insurance marketplace last month, but the figures showed a significant uptick in activity in the first two weeks of November, officials said Wednesday.
Covered California Executive Director Peter V. Lee, who sought to tamp down expectations for October, said 30,830 customers enrolled in the exchange in the first month and another 29,000 signed up through Tuesday.
Lee characterized California's numbers as "better than encouraging" even as federal officials struggled to explain lackluster enrollment nationwide.
Yes, that's right--after averaging about 1,000 signups per day in October, California has increased that average to over 2,400 per day so far in November.
In case you're wondering about the 24,466 figure, that's because the HHS report includes 2 extra days:
35,364 = 10/1/13 - 11/02/13 (HHS)
30,830 = 10/1/13 - 10/31/13 (CoveredCA)
29,000 = 11/1/13 - 11/12/13 (CoveredCA)
So, if you subtract 35,364 from 59,830, you get 24,446 for 11/3 - 11/12.
So, what does this mean? Well, for one thing, it means that at the current rate, you can expect California's November total to come in at a minimum of 72,500 additional people. Again, still small, but 2.4x the rate of October.
Also, just in case anyone thinks I'm playing with the numbers, even, as I've repeatedly noted, is an openly ANTI-Obamacare site with extremely strict criteria for counting enrollments--has just updated their own figures to include today's announcements as well as some other post-11/2 numbers.
As a result, their current tally for actual enrollments now stands at: 142,905.
Meanwhile, I've taken the actual HHS figures through 11/02/13 and entered them into my spreadsheet at for easy analysis.