ACA Enrollments Break 520K (not including CA since 11/19)!

NOTE: This was originally posted over at Daily Kos. I've since ported it over here for archival purposes.
After a TON of activity last week, the ACASignups.netspreadsheet was a bit quiet over the weekend. However, several new stats came out yesterday and today which have things moving again:
--The NY Times reports that 112,000 people enrolled in private plans--via the first week of December. Note that this doesn't include the other 14 state-run exchanges (plus DC). By comparison, only 27,000 enrolled in the Federal exchange throughout October, and 100,000 in November. So, that's a 4x increase the 2nd month followed by (so far) a 4x increase the third month.
--New York has broken 100K total enrollments, but the private/public breakdown is interesting--it went from 50K/41K a week earlier to 69K/31K this week. That means that about 10,000 people had their status changed from Medicaid/SCHIP to Private Enrollments. Clerical error last week, error this week or some other change?
Assuming the numbers are correct as stated by the NY exchange, they're now at almost 1/3 of their total target number for the enrollment period, which is excellent.
--Oregon has FINALLY started enrolling people on their private exchange in real numbers: 3,500 to date.
--Connecticut is well ahead of their projected enrollment for the first year: They're at almost 44% of the target number at around 35% of the enrollment period elapsed.
--Oh, yeah, you can add 3 more to the Michigan tally! :)
--Sarah Kliff of the Washington Post WonkBlog is giving some recognition!
--As you can see by the latest graph update, it's starting to look a little misleading because of the incomplete data. California hasn't updated their numbers since 11/19 and some of the other state-run numbers haven't been updated since as far back as 11/13, so it's getting a bit screwy. Plus, I only plot the data every 7 days, so technically the most recent point is supposed to include every state up through today (10 Weeks in), which obviously isn't the case. I've included a note of explanation about this:
--Otherwise, still waiting for what should be the biggest single-state update: California, which hasn't posted numbers since 11/19. At the rate they've been enrolling people, I'm expecting their total to be up to around 112,000 as of 11/30 and at least 135,000 as of this week, but we'll see...
Meanwhile, I wanted to take a moment to thank the dozen or so Kossacks who have been assisting with this endeavor, including:
ArcticStones, Girdwood, page in seattle, ybruti, MotherShipper, gchaucer2, Rolfyboy6, gloriasb, Mokurai, dadadata, mistletoe, Minnesota Deb, Bob the Old Soldier, CJB, timmyc, rsmpdx, pierre9045, rugbymom, Al Fondy, bastrop, "Ramu" and blue aardvark.
I want to especially recognize both ArcticStones and ybruti; ArcticStones has been absolutely ferocious in his pursuit of the latest numbers from more than a dozen states, and ybruti has provided a bounty of important information and resources regarding California's Medi-Cal program and the Medicaid expansion system in general; in fact, she's the one who single-handedly provided the documentation/sources for around 700,000 of the Medicaid expansion figures.