Connecticut: 1,429 #ACATaxTime QHPs, at least 112K nationally to date
The CEO of Access Health CT, Connecticut's ACA exchange, just issued a press release:
Hartford, Conn. (May 5, 2015) – Access Health CT (AHCT) today announced that they enrolled 1,429 Connecticut residents during the Special Open Enrollment Period which began April 1, 2015 and ended April 30, 2015. The special enrollment period was open to individuals who did not have health care coverage in 2014 and were subject to a penalty on their 2014 federal taxes.
It's important to bear in mind that this number specifically does not include "normal" off-season QHP enrollees via marriage, birth, job loss and so forth.
1,429 over 30 days = about 48 per day. My final estimate of 3,000/day nationally would scale down to just 28/day for Connecticut specifically based on their Open Enrollment Period percentage, so this is actually pretty good.
This brings CT's confirmed grand total up to at least 111,268, although I estimate they've likely also added roughly 2,000 others via qualifying life changes (which in turn are likely cancelled out by people dropping policies for similar reasons).
This brings the confirmed #ACATaxTime total up to 112,000:
- over 68,000 via
- over 33,000 in California
- 4,709 in Maryland
- 1,429 in Connecticut
- around 4,800 in Washington (estimate based on 16,000 total added)
- around 230 in Minnesota (estimate based on 765 total added)
- around 170 in DC (estimate based on 570 total added)
- 0 from CO, ID & MA, since they didn't offer the #ACATaxTime SEP
= at least 112,338 tax-specific QHPs. This still doesn't include any #ACATaxTime data for the 5 other states: HI, KY, NY, RI or VT. It also doesn't include the final 2 weeks of data from or the final couple of days from California.
All told, I'm expecting the total to be around 140,000 tax-specific QHPs nationally.