Interestingly, even though we're well past even the extended QHP enrollment period, Hawaii continues to have new enrollments trickle in. I'm not sure if these are clerical corrections from before 4/30 or if these are "Qualifying Life Events", but either way they just added another 111 people to the tally (plus a whopping 5 more people in their SHOP enrollments).
Total since October 1, 2013
32,086 Applications completed in the Individual Marketplace 9,397 Individuals and families enrolled in the Individual Marketplace
604 Employers applied to SHOP Marketplace 636 Employees and dependents enrolled via SHOP Marketplace
In addition, Hawaii's exchange just became a slightly better value, dropping from $23,899 per person enrolled down to $23,617 per person. So, there's that, I guess...
Well, here at I'm nothing if not comprehensive...Hawaii has added a whopping 69 exchange QHP enrollees and 3 (yes, 3) SHOP enrollees in the past week or so...
Total since October 1, 2013
31,758 Applications completed in the Individual Marketplace
9,286 Individuals and families enrolled in the Individual Marketplace
595 Employers applied to SHOP Marketplace
631 Employees and dependents enrolled via SHOP Marketplace
Looks like last week's claim of 9,800 QHPs was a bit of an error...according to the official exchange update, the combined total of QHPs + SHOP enrollments is around 9,800:
Total since October 1, 2013
31,378 Applications completed in the Individual Marketplace 9,217 Individuals and families enrolled in the Individual Marketplace
588 Employers applied to SHOP Marketplace 628 Employees and dependents enrolled via SHOP Marketplace
Given that they were only at 8,742 just a few days earlier, Hawaii managed to pull off an impressive (relatively-speaking) mini-surge in the final few days:
The Hawaii Health Connector, the online marketplace responsible for implementing President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act in Hawaii, enrolled 9,800 residents as of Wednesday’s final deadline for its first year of providing coverage.
The Connector collected 31,310 individual applications as of Saturday but was unable to enroll two-thirds of those applicants despite a push in the final two months.
Hawaii's original CMS target was a piddly 9,000 exchange QHPs...believe it or not, they may just barely squeak over that line after all (although my own target for HI was 11,000, which they're almost certainly not gonna pull off...)
Total through April 26, 2014:
31,310 Applications completed in the Individual Marketplace 8,742 Individuals and families enrolled in the Individual Marketplace
576 Employers applied to SHOP Marketplace 628 Employees and dependents enrolled via SHOP Marketplace
Not that the raw numbers add up to much, but the 603 total lives covered by SHOP policies is mildly interesting, since it was at only 269 as of 3/31:
30,396 Applications completed in the Individual Marketplace 8,592 Individuals and families enrolled in the Individual Marketplace
568 Employers applied to SHOP Marketplace 603 Employees and dependents enrolled via SHOP Marketplace
Oh for the love of...(sigh) Look, I'm all for letting as many people as possible enroll in healthcare coverage, but even I admit that I'm getting awfully tired of having to change the final, FINAL deadline dates.
The Hawaii Health Connector has extended the initial grace period— which would have ended on Tuesday — given to individuals in need of extra time completing the enrollment application process for health insurance by a couple of weeks to April 30.
Let's just hope they resolve their Heartbleed issue.
Whoops...apparently I was wrong about Hawaii not joining in with most other states on the "finish by 4/15 if you started by 3/31" bandwagon. Thanks to deaconblues for the catch:
Total since October 1, 2013
28,374 Applications completed in the Individual Marketplace 7,788 QHP Enrollments in the Individual Marketplace
557 Employers applied to SHOP Marketplace 269 QHP Enrollments from the SHOP Marketplace