South Dakota: Preliminary avg. unsubsidized 2025 #ACA rate changes: +2.3%; Medica leaving sm. group market?

Pretty straightforward in the Mount Rushmore state. Three carriers on the individual market; around 56.4K enrollees total. The weighted average rate change across all three is +2.3% if approved as is.
Note that I've added a new feature to my rate change spreadsheet this year: I've started including the on exchange effectuated enrollment as well as the subsidized on exchange enrollment as of February for every state. This will allow me to calculate the percent of the total individual market which is receiving ACA least in states where I'm able to figure out what total off-exchange enrollment is (typically only around half of them).
In South Dakota, for instance:
- 95.7% of on exchange enrollees are subsidized (49,250 / 51,416)
- 87.2% of the total market is subsidized (49,250 / 56,457)
- On exchange enrollment makes up around 91% of the total individual market
For the small group market, there are five carriers this year; Medica Insurance Co. appears to be pulling out of the state. The weighted requested average rate change is a 2.8% increase.