New York: Gov. Hochul recognizes 12th Anniversary of the #ACA & historic gains in insurance coverage

- State's Health Insurance Marketplace Served as a Critical Safety Net for Over 6.5 Million New Yorkers During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Governor Encourages Congress to Extend American Rescue Plan Tax Credits to Preserve This Critical Health Insurance Coverage for New Yorkers
- 2022 Open Enrollment Period for NY State of Health Qualified Health Plans Will Remain Open for the Duration of the Federal Public Health Emergency
Governor Kathy Hochul today recognized the 12th anniversary of the Affordable Care Act and the resulting historic levels of health insurance coverage through NY State of Health, the state's official health plan Marketplace. NY State of Health serves as a critical safety net for over 6.5 million New Yorkers.
"In Congress, I fought tooth and nail against attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act because it was the right thing to do for millions of Americans," Governor Hochul said. "As Governor, I remain committed to making sure that every New Yorker can obtain quality, affordable health care."
Public Health Emergency (PHE)-related flexibilities as well as enhanced federal tax credits made available under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) made coverage even more accessible and affordable. As New York prepares for the eventual transition from the PHE, the availability of affordable coverage and the ARPA enhanced tax credits remains critical.
New York State Health Commissioner Dr. Mary Bassett said, "The Affordable Care Act brought the nation a step closer to providing all Americans the dignity of protection from the financial cost of their medical needs and the end of the American Rescue Plan Act subsidies threatens to increase the uninsured rate that New York State has brought to historic low levels."
NY State of Health recently released data showing that New Yorkers receiving enhanced tax credit savings have greatly benefited, but if Congress does not extend these savings beyond 2022 Qualified Health Plan (QHP) consumers could see their monthly premiums rise by 58%.
Under ARPA, eligible New Yorkers are receiving enhanced tax credits, saving consumers an average of $100 per month on QHP premium costs in 2021, making premiums the lowest they have been in years. In addition, without the enhanced ARPA tax credit savings, when the COVID-19 PHE ends, individuals who transition from Medicaid and Essential Plan - without a monthly premium - to QHPs may find coverage too expensive, leading to significant increases in uninsured New Yorkers.
NY State of Health Executive Director Danielle Holahan said, "Amidst the uncertainty of the pandemic, NY State of Health has been a critical source of stability by providing over 6.5 million New Yorkers seamless access to affordable health coverage. ARPA's enhanced tax credit savings have made QHP coverage more affordable than ever before. Extending these savings will help ensure people stay covered rather than reversing the progress we've made in cutting New York's uninsured rate in half since the passage of the Affordable Care Act 12 years ago today."
In a recent health insurance coverage update, NY State of Health reported statistics detailing significant cost and coverage implications across New York's 27 Congressional Districts, should the enhanced tax credits end. In addition to enrollment data by Congressional District, the report also provided statewide information on the negative impact the expiration of ARPA savings would have on New Yorkers, including:
- 6.4 million New Yorkers who are enrolled in free or low-cost coverage through NY State of Health will need to renew their coverage to remain enrolled when the PHE wind down occurs.
- 138,008 New Yorkers benefitting from enhanced ARPA tax credits will experience an increase in their premiums if these savings are not extended.
- $1,453, the annual amount New Yorkers could lose when ARPA subsidies expire at the end of 2022.
- 58%, the percent by which premiums will increase for New Yorkers who are eligible for tax credits when they come back to enroll or renew coverage in Fall 2022.
The 2022 Open Enrollment Period for NY State of Health Qualified Health Plans (QHPs) will remain open for the duration of the federal Public Health Emergency. Enrollment in the Essential Plan, Medicaid and Child Health Plus is open all year.
All health plans offered through NY State of Health cover preventive care, such as routine doctor visits and screenings, at no additional cost. For more information about Marketplace health plans and enrolling in coverage, visit
Consumers continue to have a choice of health plan options and can use the NYS Provider & Health Plan Look-Up Tool to search for preferred provider networks, including doctors and hospitals. Free enrollment assistance is provided in local communities throughout the state.
Consumers can enroll in a health plan by:
- Calling the Customer Service Center at 1-855-355-5777:
- Monday to Friday, from 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
- Saturdays, from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
- Logging onto the website at
- Speaking with an enrollment assistor. Find an assistor here.
For additional information, visit the NY State of Health website at: Contact the New York State Department of Health by calling: 518-474-2043 x. 2or sending an email to: