Vermont: 31.5K QHPs, 13K Medicaid, 76% paid

WIth the DC and Vermont updates this evening, there are now only 4 states which haven't brought their enrollment data up through the end of open enrollment: CO, CT, ID and KY:

Vermont Health Connect Open Enrollment and Renewal Update

The following numbers are up-to-date as of 11:59pm Sunday, February 15, 2015.

New Vermont Health Connect Customers

15,422 individuals have checked out a 2015 health plan. This includes 6,211 individuals in Qualified Health Plans (private health insurance) and 9,211 individuals in Medicaid or Dr. Dynasaur plans.

After a new customer checks out a plan, they must make an initial premium payment and have their selection processed before they have an active health plan. Of the 15,422 individuals who checked out, 11,704 have completed the enrollment process and have an active health plan (i.e., effectuated enrollment). Of those who completed the process, 3,471 are on a Qualified Health Plan and 8,233 are on Medicaid or Dr. Dynasaur.

Renewing 2014 Vermont Health Connect Plans

Unless a customer requested otherwise, all individuals who had an active health plan through the end of 2014 currently have health insurance coverage through Blue Cross Blue Shield of Vermont, MVP Health Care, Medicaid or Dr. Dynasaur. The insurance issuers have their information in their systems and ID cards remain active.

Vermont Health Connect continues to process 2014 renewals. The progress of plan renewal processing is as follows:

29,858 individuals have been checked out into 2015 health plans. This includes 25,341 individuals on Qualified Health Plans and 4,517 individuals on Medicaid or Dr. Dynasaur plans. Of the 29,858 individuals whose plans have been checked out, 24,211 have had their renewal completely processed. Of the 24,211, 20,442 are on a Qualified Health Plan and 3,769 are on Medicaid or Dr. Dynasaur.

OK, so that's:

  • QHP Selections: 6,211 New + 25,341 Renewals = 31,552 total
  • QHPs PAID: 3,471 New + 20,442 Renewals = 23,913 total (76% payment rate to date)
  • Medicaid: 9,211 New + 3,769 Renewals = 12,980 total

While that payment rate seems low, that's mainly because the final surge of enrollment payments aren't due for another week or so, since the policies don't kick in until March 1st.

In terms of total enrollment, however, this isn't much to get excited about...31,552 is actually 17% lower than 2014's total of 38K QHP selections. Hopefully this will be made up during both the #ACAOvertime "Standing in Line" period or...

...Tax Season Enrollment!

In Case You Missed It: New Enrollment Opportunity Announced

Earlier today, Vermont Health Connect announced that Vermonters who don’t have health insurance might not have to wait until next fall to apply for coverage. Vermonters who are impacted by the new federal Shared Responsibility Payment – and learn about it when they file their 2014 taxes – should call Vermont Health Connect’s Customer Support Center at 1-855-899-9600 (toll-free).
