archive index now available w/alphabetical drop-down menu

Earlier this week I gained a lot of attention for generating (with the help of others) an index of the entire website, with direct links to all ~7,200 pages archived by the Internet Archive on or before 1/27/25.
At the time, I was scrambling to slap together something in light of the news that the Musk/Trump Regime had begun purging thousands of pages of critical public health information from federal websites, so I wasn't very sophisticated about how I did it: I simply broke all ~7,200 links into chunks of 500 apiece and pasted them into 15 pages.
A few days later we did something similar with, except this time I took the time to set it up with a drop-down menu with each page covering a different major topic.
This is still clunkier than the original website, of course, but it's a much more user-friendly format than how I set up the CDC index, so I've converted the index over to the same drop-down format as well. There's far more topics, however, so for the CDC site I simply have it broken out A - Z instead: