Georgia: Final avg. unsubsidized 2024 #ACA rate changes: +17.4%

Georgia's health department doesn't publish their annual rate filings publicly, but they don't hide them either; I was able to acquire pretty much everything via a simple FOIA request. Huge kudos to the GA OCI folks!
Back in July, I compiled the weighted average requested rate changes for 2024 for both the Georgia individual and small group markets. At the time, individual market carriers were asking for rate hikes ranging from a relatively modest 6% (UnitedHealthcare) to a stunning 27.7% increase (Cigna). The weighted average came in at right around 15% even.
On the small group market, meanwhile, only around half the carrier filings were available at all, so I couldn't really run a proper average, although of those which had filed theirs, the average came in at 12.6%.
Earlier today I acquired the most recent rate filings for every carrier in both markets. I don't know for certain whether these are the final, approved rates for 2024, but it seems likely:
UPDATE 10/17/23: It looks like I had all of the final rates correct except for Ambetter, which is a bit lower than I thought (+9.08%). This shaves a tenth of a point off of the weighted average, bringing it to +17.4% overall:
The most notable thing for the individual market is that most of the carriers have actually increased their 2024 rate hikes a bit. On the small group market, filling in the blanks shows that, as previously announced, Humana is pulling out entirely in every state, while the weighted average rate increase comes in at 11.8% statewide.