Illinois: Final avg. unsubsidized 2023 #ACA rate changes: +7.1% (updated)

Unfortuantely, Illinois is another state which doesn't make it easy to analyze annual health insurance premium rate filings.
There's no details on their insurance department website, their SERFF listings don't seem to include the actuarial memos or URRT forms, and even the federal Rate Review listings only include the average requested rate changes; the actuarial memos there are mostly heavily redacted.
Illinois' total individual market enrollment should be roughly 330,000 people. Fortunately, three of the carriers do reveal their 2022 enrollment, including the biggest one in the state (Blue Cross). This allows me to make an educated guess as the the enrollment of the other 7, which in turn means I can make an estimate of the weighted rate increase of roughly 6.9%. The unweighted average is 8.9%.
For the small group market I have to go with the fully unweighted average of 6.8%.
UPDATE 11/03/22: With the official 2023 Open Enrollment Period underway, Illinois final/approved rate filings have been posted to the federal rate review website. Not much changed, however...most of the filings have been approved as is, with the exception of MercyCare HMO and Oscar Health Plan.